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Guevara, E., Ortiz, M., Peña, R., Zeña, V. (2020). D’quinua [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Guevara, E., Ortiz, M., Peña, R., Zeña, V. D’quinua [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2020.
title = "D’quinua",
author = "Zeña Aranda, Victor David",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2020"
Title: D’quinua
Authors(s): Guevara Ranjel, Eliany Jaqueline; Ortiz Cruz, Merli; Peña Quispe, Raquel; Zeña Aranda, Victor David
Advisor(s): Ramirez Ramirez, Anne Julieth
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 9-Dec-2020
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: D´Quinua tiene como principal objetivo ofrecer un producto que contiene a un superalimento - la quinua - como nuestro ingrediente estelar; lo que brindamos es una alternativa de alimentación saludable.
Se trata de una presentación de la quinua en polenta, con diferentes sabores, principalmente dulces, teniendo los siguientes sabores: manzana, chocolate, fresa, manzana, vainilla y natural. El diseño y producción se hará a través del servicio de “maquila” lo cual nos permitirá abocarnos a promocionar las bondades de nuestro producto.
Nuestro público objetivo corresponde a personas que viven en Lima Metropolitana y tienen el hábito de comer quinua dentro de su dieta normal, en cualquiera de sus presentaciones, por ende, tienen una alimentación saludable. Adicionalmente, estas personas tienen desde 26 hasta 45 años de edad y pertenecen al NSE “A” y “B”.
Es importante resaltar que la quinua es un grano peruano considerado un “superalimento” por las propiedades y beneficios que aporta a nuestro organismo; en ese sentido, se trata de un ingrediente que, en su presentación de polenta, ofrece además los sabores más comerciales en el mercado que lo harán más atractivo.
Actualmente, el mercado ofrece diversas marcas de quinua en grano y también en polenta, pero ninguna con la diversidad de sabores que nosotros proponemos. Presentación que puede ser utilizada en jugos, bebidas refrescantes, postres y cocteles; pudiendo prepararlo de forma instantánea.
Por lo mencionado, D´Quinua busca cubrir la necesidad de una alimentación saludable de forma rápida y con una variedad de sabores al gusto de cada paladar.
D´Quinua's main objective is to offer a product that contains a superfood - quinoa - as our star ingredient; what we offer is a healthy eating alternative. It is a presentation of quinoa in polenta, with different flavors, mainly sweet, having the following flavors: apple, chocolate, strawberry, apple, vanilla and natural. The design and production will be done through the "maquila" service, which will allow us to dedicate ourselves to promoting the benefits of our product. Our target audience corresponds to people who live in Metropolitan Lima and have the habit of eating quinoa within their normal diet, in any of its presentations, therefore, they have a healthy diet. Additionally, these people are from 26 to 45 years old and belong to the NSE "A" and "B". It is important to highlight that quinoa is a Peruvian grain considered a "superfood" due to the properties and benefits it brings to our body; In this sense, it is an ingredient that, in its polenta presentation, also offers the most commercial flavors on the market that will make it more attractive. Currently, the market offers various brands of quinoa in grain and also in polenta, but none with the diversity of flavors that we propose. Presentation that can be used in juices, refreshing drinks, desserts and cocktails; being able to prepare it instantly. Therefore, D´Quinua seeks to meet the need for a healthy diet quickly and with a variety of flavors to suit each palate.
D´Quinua's main objective is to offer a product that contains a superfood - quinoa - as our star ingredient; what we offer is a healthy eating alternative. It is a presentation of quinoa in polenta, with different flavors, mainly sweet, having the following flavors: apple, chocolate, strawberry, apple, vanilla and natural. The design and production will be done through the "maquila" service, which will allow us to dedicate ourselves to promoting the benefits of our product. Our target audience corresponds to people who live in Metropolitan Lima and have the habit of eating quinoa within their normal diet, in any of its presentations, therefore, they have a healthy diet. Additionally, these people are from 26 to 45 years old and belong to the NSE "A" and "B". It is important to highlight that quinoa is a Peruvian grain considered a "superfood" due to the properties and benefits it brings to our body; In this sense, it is an ingredient that, in its polenta presentation, also offers the most commercial flavors on the market that will make it more attractive. Currently, the market offers various brands of quinoa in grain and also in polenta, but none with the diversity of flavors that we propose. Presentation that can be used in juices, refreshing drinks, desserts and cocktails; being able to prepare it instantly. Therefore, D´Quinua seeks to meet the need for a healthy diet quickly and with a variety of flavors to suit each palate.
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Discipline: Administración de Banca y Finanzas; Administración y Recursos Humanos; Contabilidad
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). División de Estudios Profesionales para Ejecutivos (EPE
Grade or title: Bachiller en Administración de Banca y Finanzas; Bachiller en Administración y Recursos Humanos; Bachiller en Contabilidad
Register date: 4-Mar-2021
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