Bibliographic citations
Caballero, D., Revilla, R., Tafur, J., Camacho, M. (2020). Plan de negocio para la implementación de URPI marca de chocolate con cacao orgánico en el mercado de Lima metropolitana “moderna” [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Caballero, D., Revilla, R., Tafur, J., Camacho, M. Plan de negocio para la implementación de URPI marca de chocolate con cacao orgánico en el mercado de Lima metropolitana “moderna” [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2020.
title = "Plan de negocio para la implementación de URPI marca de chocolate con cacao orgánico en el mercado de Lima metropolitana “moderna”",
author = "Camacho Benites, Marco Luis",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2020"
This project constitutes the reaffirmation of a business plan to implement the URPI organic chocolate brand in the metropolitan Lima market, focused on socioeconomic levels A and B. The main objective is to sell the URPI organic chocolate brand, under the benefits and stories model at a socio-economic level, in a different way but with the main distribution channels, the business model will mainly not have infrastructure as it will rely on the one already created by the main creator of the final product who will support us as a distributor. We will serve a growing audience effectively and directly. Chocolate with a good level of organic cocoa of 70% and 80%, which is considered a high-quality product. On the other hand, we will enter the market with our own brand URPI, which will compete with a medium variety of products in the market. The business plan was developed with a qualitative approach based on the analysis of the behavior of our target audience and the quantitative approach based on opinion polls that we identify with preferences and tastes. A survey of the number of representative people aged 22 to 55 years of the NSE A and B in “modern” Metropolitan Lima specified within the business plan was conducted. In the investigation and the in-depth interviews, the following characteristics stood out: quality by the percentage of cocoa, flavor, consistency of chocolate. On the other hand, regular consumers indicated that if it included a project involved with the communities involved in the final product it would be striking and a reason for purchase. On the other hand, it was pointed out that a large part of the purchases is made on special dates such as gift motifs and seasonal type Valentine's Day or Mother's Day. Finally, final consumers decide to buy the type of product in traditional channels (modules in shopping centers) and modern channels (supermarkets). After the analysis of the demand and financial analysis of sale according to the target market in a period of 3 years, it is obtained that the financial indicators of the business plan are positive since results that would benefit us are shown.
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