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Flórez, C., Huaman, Z., Mattos, G., Tucno, J. (2020). Aplicativo para aprender todo tipo de cursos - Aprende+ [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Flórez, C., Huaman, Z., Mattos, G., Tucno, J. Aplicativo para aprender todo tipo de cursos - Aprende+ [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2020.
title = "Aplicativo para aprender todo tipo de cursos - Aprende+",
author = "Tucno Alcantara, Joel Eder",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2020"
Title: Aplicativo para aprender todo tipo de cursos - Aprende+
Authors(s): Flórez Nieto, Cesar Harold; Huaman Gutierrez, Zunilda Cardy; Mattos Pando, Gerardo Fabio; Tucno Alcantara, Joel Eder
Advisor(s): Vargas García, Allan Herminio
Keywords: Aprendizaje; Educación; Tecnología; Aplicativo móvil; Clases virtuales; Learning; Education; Technology; Mobile application; Virtual classes
Issue Date: 28-May-2020
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: El presente proyecto se elaboró con la finalidad de indagar en la nueva era tecnológica enfocándonos específicamente en el campo educativo, puesto a que se avecinan nuevos escenarios, es indispensable que la industria de la educación se adapte a estos nuevos cambios. Para ello, se ideó un aplicativo que ayude a las personas a poder mejorar su rendimiento académico de la manera más flexible, personalizada y sencilla posible.
Nuestro negocio, consiste en brindar un servicio que ayude a los usuarios a encontrar asesores de acuerdo con las materias que estos deseen aprender o necesiten reforzar. Dicho servicio, se ofrecerá mediante un aplicativo diseñado por la misma empresa donde se tiene como pilares principales, la calidad, personalización y accesibilidad para la elaboración de esta.
Esto se ideó después de evaluar en grupo como es que las circunstancias en la sociedad cambiarán, después de la presente pandemia. Pues ahora se identifica un perfil de cliente que pone primero su salud e integridad, evitando riesgos y aglomeraciones. Debido a ello, se ofrecen clases tanto virtuales, como presenciales que ayuden a mitigar dicha inseguridad en el cliente.
La fuente de ingreso se basa en cierto porcentaje cobrado por sesión con el cliente, lo demás se depositará a cada asesor correspondiente. Existe dos tipos de servicio, presencial y virtual, donde cada uno será preprogramada y coordinada entre estudiante y asesor.
The present project was elaborated with the aim of inquire into the new technological era, focusing specifically on the educational field, since new scenarios are coming, it is essential that the education industry adapts to these new changes. For this, an application was devised that helps people to improve their academic performance in the most flexible, personalized and simple way possible. Our business is to provide a service that helps users find advisers according to the subjects they want to learn or need to reinforce. This service will be offered through an application designed by our company where its main pillars are quality, personalization and accessibility for its elaboration. This was devised after evaluating as a group how circumstances in society will change after the present pandemic. Since now, a new customer profile is identified that puts their health and integrity first, avoiding risks and crowds. Because of this, both virtual and face-to-face classes are offered to help mitigate such insecurity in the client. The source of income is based on a certain percentage charged per session with the client, the rest will be deposited to each corresponding adviser. There are two types of service, face-to-face and virtual, where each will be pre-programmed and coordinated between student and advisor.
The present project was elaborated with the aim of inquire into the new technological era, focusing specifically on the educational field, since new scenarios are coming, it is essential that the education industry adapts to these new changes. For this, an application was devised that helps people to improve their academic performance in the most flexible, personalized and simple way possible. Our business is to provide a service that helps users find advisers according to the subjects they want to learn or need to reinforce. This service will be offered through an application designed by our company where its main pillars are quality, personalization and accessibility for its elaboration. This was devised after evaluating as a group how circumstances in society will change after the present pandemic. Since now, a new customer profile is identified that puts their health and integrity first, avoiding risks and crowds. Because of this, both virtual and face-to-face classes are offered to help mitigate such insecurity in the client. The source of income is based on a certain percentage charged per session with the client, the rest will be deposited to each corresponding adviser. There are two types of service, face-to-face and virtual, where each will be pre-programmed and coordinated between student and advisor.
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Discipline: Administración de Empresas
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). División de Estudios Profesionales para Ejecutivos (EPE)
Grade or title: Bachiller en Administración de Empresas
Register date: 15-Oct-2020
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