Bibliographic citations
Espinoza, F., Garcia, G. (2019). El proceso de doblaje de las películas La gran aventura de Gamba y Yo soy el rey en la empresa Torre A de Lima, Perú [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Espinoza, F., Garcia, G. El proceso de doblaje de las películas La gran aventura de Gamba y Yo soy el rey en la empresa Torre A de Lima, Perú [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2019.
title = "El proceso de doblaje de las películas La gran aventura de Gamba y Yo soy el rey en la empresa Torre A de Lima, Perú",
author = "Garcia Masson, Grecia Silvana",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2019"
This research is the first case study on the dubbing process in Peru. Based on the dubbing process models by Chaume (2004) and Taylor (2016), and the guidelines to prepare a dubbing script described by Cerezo et al. (2016) built on Toury (1995), the dubbing process for two films implemented by the Peruvian company Torre A was analyzed. This was carried out through interviews with the agents from both projects and the analysis of the company’s documents. The results suggest that project execution in Torre A is largely similar to the theoretical models concerning the dubbing process structure. However, both processes were determined by each client’s order, which mainly influenced the commercial negotiation nature, technical aspects, as well as the translation and dialogue writing phases. Furthermore, the results show agents’ multitasking and less role compartmentalization due to their participation in more than one phase during the process. Finally, in order to assess quality in both dubbing processes, Torre A considered textual, artistic and technical aspects according to the clients’ and agents’ criteria. That way, process quality was influenced by the level of involvement of each client and deadlines, which conditioned the agents’ activities. This research contributes to the discussion on dubbing quality in terms of client orders and helps filling the theoretical gap about dubbing processes in Latin America.
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