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Leon, J., Mayuri, Y., Merino, R., Padilla, M. (2019). Trade Connects [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Leon, J., Mayuri, Y., Merino, R., Padilla, M. Trade Connects [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2019.
title = "Trade Connects",
author = "Padilla Huari, Mayra Jaquelyn",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2019"
Title: Trade Connects
Authors(s): Leon Villa, Jean Carlo Enmanuel; Mayuri Martínez, Yisely; Merino Arévalo, Rossana Luz; Padilla Huari, Mayra Jaquelyn
Advisor(s): Gaviria Clemente, Juan Francisco del Carmen
Keywords: Emprendedor; Inversionista; Plataforma web; Proyecto; Tasa interna de retorno; Inversión
Issue Date: 16-Jul-2019
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: En el 2018 se realizó un estudio que revela lo siguiente: El Perú se ubica en el tercer lugar a nivel mundial con la mayor cantidad de “emprendimientos en fase temprana”.
“Lamentablemente, parece ser que llegar a etapas posteriores de desarrollo en el negocio le cuesta demasiado al emprendedor peruano en comparación con sus pares de otros países participantes del estudio”.
Este estudio indica que existe un amplio mercado para este proyecto, ya que, si bien el porcentaje de ellos es muy bueno, no existen medios y herramientas accesibles, con las que surjan mayores oportunidades de desarrollo, es decir no encuentra opciones para que sus proyectos se puedan implementar, y de igual manera los inversionistas “no logran ver” a estos potenciales emprendedores.
Es así que se crea “Trade Connects”, una plataforma que resuelve, de manera digital, las necesidades de inversión de capital de riesgo de los emprendedores con modelos de innovación en base tecnológica, principalmente (StartUps) para en un primer momento acelerar, luego escalar y finalmente comercializar (vender, alquilar, expandir, etc.) sus proyectos innovadores.
El proyecto contempla una inversión de 84,259.07 que se financia a un costo de 31.86% obteniendo una ganancia adicional de 63,336.06 que implica una tasa interna de retorno de 77% y un beneficio 1.75 soles, para los accionistas con un aporte total de 84,259.07 a un costo de oportunidad de 41.88% obtendran una ganancia adicional de 52,565.61 y una tasa interna de retorno de 105% con un beneficio de 2.25 soles.
In 2018, a study was conducted that reveals the following: Peru is ranked third in the world with the largest number of "early stage enterprises". "Unfortunately, it seems that reaching later stages of development in the business is too expensive for the Peruvian entrepreneur compared to his peers from other countries participating in the study." This study indicates that there is a wide market for our project, since, although the percentage of them is very good, there are no accessible means and tools, with which greater development opportunities arise, that is, it does not find options for its projects can be implemented, and in the same way investors "can not see" these potential entrepreneurs. Thus, "Trade Connects" is created, a platform that solves, digitally, the venture capital investment needs of entrepreneurs with technology-based innovation models, mainly (StartUps) to initially accelerate , then escalate and finally commercialize (sell, rent, expand, etc.) their innovative projects. The project includes an investment of 84,259.07 which is financed at a cost of 31.86% obtaining an additional gain of 63,336.06 which implies an internal rate of return of 77% and a profit of 1.75 soles, for the shareholders with a total contribution of 84,259.07 at a cost of opportunity of 41.88% will obtain an additional gain of 52,565.61 and an internal rate of return of 105% with a benefit of 2.25 soles.
In 2018, a study was conducted that reveals the following: Peru is ranked third in the world with the largest number of "early stage enterprises". "Unfortunately, it seems that reaching later stages of development in the business is too expensive for the Peruvian entrepreneur compared to his peers from other countries participating in the study." This study indicates that there is a wide market for our project, since, although the percentage of them is very good, there are no accessible means and tools, with which greater development opportunities arise, that is, it does not find options for its projects can be implemented, and in the same way investors "can not see" these potential entrepreneurs. Thus, "Trade Connects" is created, a platform that solves, digitally, the venture capital investment needs of entrepreneurs with technology-based innovation models, mainly (StartUps) to initially accelerate , then escalate and finally commercialize (sell, rent, expand, etc.) their innovative projects. The project includes an investment of 84,259.07 which is financed at a cost of 31.86% obtaining an additional gain of 63,336.06 which implies an internal rate of return of 77% and a profit of 1.75 soles, for the shareholders with a total contribution of 84,259.07 at a cost of opportunity of 41.88% will obtain an additional gain of 52,565.61 and an internal rate of return of 105% with a benefit of 2.25 soles.
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Discipline: Administración de Empresas; Negocios internacionales
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). División de Estudios Profesionales para Ejecutivos (EPE)
Grade or title: Bachiller en Administración de Empresas
Register date: 30-Aug-2019
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