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Mantilla, J., (2019). Factibilidad para la implementación de una operación de Contact Center ubicada en Lima [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Mantilla, J., Factibilidad para la implementación de una operación de Contact Center ubicada en Lima [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2019.
title = "Factibilidad para la implementación de una operación de Contact Center ubicada en Lima",
author = "Mantilla Hidalgo, José Antonio",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2019"
Title: Factibilidad para la implementación de una operación de Contact Center ubicada en Lima
Authors(s): Mantilla Hidalgo, José Antonio
Advisor(s): Alania Vera, Ricardo Humberto
Keywords: Centro de contacto; Centro de llamadas; Tercerización; Servicio; BPO; Contact center; Call center; Outsourcing; Services
Issue Date: 25-Mar-2019
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: El presente documento tiene como propósito evaluar la factibilidad de poner en marcha y de manera rentable una operación de contact center en Lima, teniendo como elemento diferenciador el operar de acuerdo a la certificación de calidad COPC GMD especializada para operaciones de contact center.
Se ha realizado un análisis del entorno, el sector y del negocio, para lo cual se ha utilizado las principales herramientas y modelos teóricos, así como la experiencia de haber manejado una operación exitosa en este sector por más de 10 años.
A través de análisis económico y financiero se determinó que existía la factibilidad de llevar a cabo esta operación con un retorno atractivo para los inversionistas.
Asimismo, se determinó que existe espacio para puesta en marcha de un nuevo contact center en Lima y que la certificación de calidad COPC GMD, en sí misma, no representaba un elemento diferenciador, sin embargo, se convertía en un elemento higiénico.
The purpose of this document is to evaluate the feasibility of launching and operating a contact center operation in Lima profitably, having as a differentiating element the operation in accordance with the COPC GMD quality certification specialized for contact center operations. An analysis of the environment, the sector and the business has been carried out, for which the main tools and theoretical models have been used, as well as the experience of having managed a successful operation in this sector for more than 10 years. Through economic and financial analysis it was determined that there was a feasibility to carry out this operation with an attractive return for investors. Likewise, it was determined that there is space for the start-up of a new contact center in Lima and that the quality certification COPC GMD, in itself, did not represent a differentiating element, however, it became a hygienic element.
The purpose of this document is to evaluate the feasibility of launching and operating a contact center operation in Lima profitably, having as a differentiating element the operation in accordance with the COPC GMD quality certification specialized for contact center operations. An analysis of the environment, the sector and the business has been carried out, for which the main tools and theoretical models have been used, as well as the experience of having managed a successful operation in this sector for more than 10 years. Through economic and financial analysis it was determined that there was a feasibility to carry out this operation with an attractive return for investors. Likewise, it was determined that there is space for the start-up of a new contact center in Lima and that the quality certification COPC GMD, in itself, did not represent a differentiating element, however, it became a hygienic element.
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Discipline: Escuela de Postgrado
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Escuela de Postgrado
Grade or title: Maestro en Administración de Empresas
Register date: 20-Jun-2019
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