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Espinoza, N., Vildoso, S., Severino, A., Sandoval, K. (2018). Cerveza artesanal libre de gluten Chiri [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Espinoza, N., Vildoso, S., Severino, A., Sandoval, K. Cerveza artesanal libre de gluten Chiri [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2018.
title = "Cerveza artesanal libre de gluten Chiri",
author = "Sandoval Alburqueque, Karla Janette",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2018"
Title: Cerveza artesanal libre de gluten Chiri
Other Titles: Chiri craft beer
Authors(s): Espinoza Zavaleta, Natalia Yolanda; Vildoso Huerta, Sandra Liseth; Severino García, Angela Paola; Sandoval Alburqueque, Karla Janette
Advisor(s): Vizcarra Bermúdez, José Antonio
Keywords: Cerveza artesanal; Industria de la cerveza; Creación de empresas; Plan de negocio; Estudios de viabilidad; Planificación estratégica; Planificación del marketing
Issue Date: 12-Dec-2018
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: En el siguiente informe se detallará el plan de negocios de CHIRI, la primera cerveza artesanal nacional libre de gluten. Este emprendimiento nace de la identificación de una necesidad aún no cubierta y con un gran valor para el público objetivo conformado por celíacos, intolerantes al gluten y personas con dietas saludables.
La principal ventaja diferencial de CHIRI en comparación a sus pares artesanales del mercado, es que esta cerveza no contiene gluten (principal causante de los males celíacos) y se elabora de manera artesanal reemplazando la cebada y trigo por sorgo y quinua. Esta cerveza es de color ámbar claro, cuenta con 6.2% de alcohol, un amargor ligero y toques frutados gracias a la presencia de frutos secos en sus ingredientes.
Para identificar la viabilidad del proyecto se realizaron estudios cualitativos y cuantitativos para conocer más a fondo al público objetivo. Asimismo, se hicieron análisis de mercado, simulaciones financieras, planteamiento de escenarios positivos y negativos, planeamientos de ventas y de producción.
Al finalizar el análisis, se llegó a la conclusión de que CHIRI es un producto altamente rentable y es estima que tendrá una buena aceptación. De acuerdo a la información recabada, se empleará una estrategia de Descreme para ingresar al mercado y se comenzará con una distribución directa a través de canales digitales para el consumidor final y distribución indirecta para intermediarios.
A continuación se desarrollará a detalle los aspectos estudiados en el proyecto a fin de corroborar la viabilidad mencionada líneas arriba.
The following report will detail CHIRI's business plan, the first national gluten-free craft beer. This venture is born from the identification of a need not yet covered and with a great value for the target audience consisting of celiac, gluten intolerant and people with healthy diets. The main differential advantage of CHIRI compared to its artisan peers of the market, is that this beer does not contain gluten (the main cause of celiac diseases) and it is made by hand, replacing barley and wheat with sorghum and quinoa. This beer has a light amber color, has 6.2% alcohol, a light bitterness and fruity touches thanks to the presence of dry fruits in its ingredients. In order to identify the feasibility of the project, qualitative and quantitative studies were carried out to gain more in-depth knowledge of the target public. Likewise, market analyzes, financial simulations, positive and negative scenarios, sales and production planning were made. At the end of the analysis, it was concluded that CHIRI is a highly profitable product and it is estimated that it will be well accepted. According to the information collected, a Descreme strategy will be used to enter the market and will begin with a direct distribution through digital channels for the final consumer and indirect distribution for intermediaries. The aspects studied in the project will be developed in detail in order to corroborate the aforementioned viability.
The following report will detail CHIRI's business plan, the first national gluten-free craft beer. This venture is born from the identification of a need not yet covered and with a great value for the target audience consisting of celiac, gluten intolerant and people with healthy diets. The main differential advantage of CHIRI compared to its artisan peers of the market, is that this beer does not contain gluten (the main cause of celiac diseases) and it is made by hand, replacing barley and wheat with sorghum and quinoa. This beer has a light amber color, has 6.2% alcohol, a light bitterness and fruity touches thanks to the presence of dry fruits in its ingredients. In order to identify the feasibility of the project, qualitative and quantitative studies were carried out to gain more in-depth knowledge of the target public. Likewise, market analyzes, financial simulations, positive and negative scenarios, sales and production planning were made. At the end of the analysis, it was concluded that CHIRI is a highly profitable product and it is estimated that it will be well accepted. According to the information collected, a Descreme strategy will be used to enter the market and will begin with a direct distribution through digital channels for the final consumer and indirect distribution for intermediaries. The aspects studied in the project will be developed in detail in order to corroborate the aforementioned viability.
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Discipline: Administración de Empresas; Marketing
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). División de Estudios Profesionales para Ejecutivos (EPE)
Grade or title: Bachiller en Administración de Empresas
Register date: 25-Apr-2019
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