Bibliographic citations
Linares, C., Osores, D. (2017). Estudio de tráfico del proyecto “Mejoramiento del puente Villena Rey y construcción del nuevo puente mellizo – distrito de Miraflores – Lima” [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Linares, C., Osores, D. Estudio de tráfico del proyecto “Mejoramiento del puente Villena Rey y construcción del nuevo puente mellizo – distrito de Miraflores – Lima” [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2017.
title = "Estudio de tráfico del proyecto “Mejoramiento del puente Villena Rey y construcción del nuevo puente mellizo – distrito de Miraflores – Lima”",
author = "Osores Tumbalobos, Daniela Sthefany",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2017"
The Villena Rey Bridge, located in the district of Miraflores, is an infrastructure of great importance because it allows road interchange with streets of great hierarchy. Population growth, together with the vehicle fleet, has caused the vehicular saturation of the area to become critical. To this must be added the deficient signage, the state of the bridge and the poorly planned road interchanges. This is evidenced in the intersections of entrance and exit of the bridge. The Municipality of Miraflores took the initiative and authorized the construction of a bridge that allows a more fluid transit. However, the presence of major vehicles in the intersections would turn the most serious conflict. To solve this new problem, it will be proposed to eliminate the entry of the cars from the Ca. Malecon Balta and in this way derived from this flow directly to the Ca. Bolognesi, thus establishing an organized and fluid entrance to the bridge. In turn, a traffic light is proposed at the intersection between Jorge Chavez and Tripoli streets. It relied on the 2010 Highway Capacity Manual methodologies for both signalized intersections and intersections controlled by stop signs. Once the geometric survey and the vehicular capacity of the area were carried out, the peak hour developed between 18:30 and 19:30 h was determined. The calculations established in the methodology and service levels were used, the viability of the proposal was validated. Three scenarios are considered for each intersection in evaluation: the current situation, our proposal and its projection. It was found that the current service levels were critical and that the proposal allowed a noticeable improvement in vehicular traffic. The passage from level E to B and a reduction of 15 seconds in the delay of the critical intersection make evident the benefits of the proposal. On the other hand, at the intersection with the proposed traffic lights (Ca. Jorge Chavez - Ca. Tripoli), cycle lengths were arranged according to the new vehicular tributary that would originate the project, as well as the service level from A to B with minimums of tails.
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