Bibliographic citations
Flores, A., Livia, M. (2024). Consideraciones técnicas para la adquisición de la imagen en un estudio de rastreo post terapia con I-131 en un hospital de Lima Metropolitana, 2022-2023 [Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia].
Flores, A., Livia, M. Consideraciones técnicas para la adquisición de la imagen en un estudio de rastreo post terapia con I-131 en un hospital de Lima Metropolitana, 2022-2023 []. PE: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; 2024.
title = "Consideraciones técnicas para la adquisición de la imagen en un estudio de rastreo post terapia con I-131 en un hospital de Lima Metropolitana, 2022-2023",
author = "Livia Rivera, Maria Mercedes",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia",
year = "2024"
Introduction: Post Therapy Screening (RPT) with I-131 allows evaluating the response to treatment and detecting metastasis in patients with thyroid cancer. The presence of artifacts and contamination makes accurate interpretation of results difficult and leads to erroneous diagnoses and treatments. Therefore, it is crucial to implement techniques to minimize these errors and optimize radiological protection. Objective: Describe the technical considerations for image acquisition in a RPT study with I-131 in a Hospital in Metropolitan Lima, 2022 - 2023. Work Description: The application of technical considerations will be in three stages: before, during and after the RPT study with I-131. Likewise, patient preparation, instrumentation, parameters, etc. are considered. Main Findings: The adequate application of technical considerations evidenced its diagnostic and therapeutic usefulness in patients with thyroid cancer. Conclusions: The appropriate application of technical considerations in image acquisition, in a RPT study with I-131, allowed obtaining an effective image and minimizing errors. Likewise, the appropriate indications and preparation of the patient made it possible to reduce external contamination in the image and exposure to the public.
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