Bibliographic citations
Morante, E., (2020). Medición de las condiciones de atención integral a la primera infancia mediante un instrumento de recojo de información para la toma de decisiones informadas por el Comité de Gestión Local de la Municipalidad de Mazán, en 04 comités vecinales del distrito de Mazán, provincia de Maynas, Región Loreto [Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia].
Morante, E., Medición de las condiciones de atención integral a la primera infancia mediante un instrumento de recojo de información para la toma de decisiones informadas por el Comité de Gestión Local de la Municipalidad de Mazán, en 04 comités vecinales del distrito de Mazán, provincia de Maynas, Región Loreto []. PE: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; 2020.
title = "Medición de las condiciones de atención integral a la primera infancia mediante un instrumento de recojo de información para la toma de decisiones informadas por el Comité de Gestión Local de la Municipalidad de Mazán, en 04 comités vecinales del distrito de Mazán, provincia de Maynas, Región Loreto",
author = "Morante Ovalle, Emily Patricia",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia",
year = "2020"
This study aims to assess the effectiveness of an informed municipal management intervention to improve comprehensive early childhood care in the district of Mazán, Maynas-Loreto. The research is quasi-experimental (pre and post, without control group), prospective being the unit of analysis 124 girls and boys under 24 months, as the child population of 4 neighborhood committees that were concentrated within the capital of the Mazán district, with greater access to services. Its development was from October 2015 to September 2016. At the end of this study, improvements were found in the conditions of Comprehensive Early Childhood Care, as a set of coordinated and articulated interventions that guarantee access, use to health services, nutrition, early childhood learning and protection, as well as appropriate care and parenting practices by families, which means that the instrument allowed the adequate measurement of these conditions for informed decision making, through the development of activities that generated results in health, nutrition, education, recreation and protection, achieving the expected final impacts. These decisions were channeled through the Municipal Management Committee, led by the Mayor, who organized to carry out an informed management and propose actions that respond to the situation encountered through the implementation and fulfillment of a Local Development Plan in early childhood. The Municipal Management Committee (CGM) stated that they perceive the instrument as a management tool, which collects useful and necessary information, at the local level allowing informed decision making and that they would recommend it to other municipalities that are interested in investing in the first childhood.
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