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Mendoza, J., Vera, D. (2024). Exposición ocupacional a agentes de riesgo físico [Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia].
Mendoza, J., Vera, D. Exposición ocupacional a agentes de riesgo físico []. PE: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; 2024.
title = "Exposición ocupacional a agentes de riesgo físico",
author = "Vera Reyna, David Marino",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia",
year = "2024"
Title: Exposición ocupacional a agentes de riesgo físico
Authors(s): Mendoza Rosas, Jaime Juan Jose; Vera Reyna, David Marino
Keywords: Riesgos Físicos; Medicina del Trabajo; Salud Ocupacional; Riesgos Ocupacionales; Evaluación de Riesgos
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 2024
Institution: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
Abstract: Los trabajadores se enfrentan a varios riesgos físicos en el lugar de trabajo, incluida la exposición a niveles altos de ruido, la mala iluminación, las vibraciones en el uso de herramientas manuales y maquinaria, las temperaturas extremas y la exposición a radiaciones ionizantes y no ionizantes, los cuales pueden generar algún daño a la salud, por tanto es importante hacer monitoreos ocupacionales e implementar medidas de control y prevención, asegurando así un entorno de trabajo seguro y saludable. El objetivo del presente estudio es lograr que se desarrolle un documento de fácil consulta, sobre los riesgos físicos, a los que se exponen los trabajadores de los diferentes campos laborales del Perú. Diseño: se realizó un proceso de investigación documental. Materiales y métodos: se realizó la búsqueda de información de revistas indexadas, investigaciones científicas, metaanálisis, revisiones sistemáticas, documentos técnicos, normativas nacional e internacional. Una vez unificada toda la información recolectada, se procedió al análisis y desarrollo del estudio. Resultados: se desarrolló el estudio que incluyó a los principales agentes físicos como ruido, iluminación, vibraciones, las temperaturas extremas, presión barométrica y radiaciones ionizantes y no ionizantes. Conclusión: la prevención de riesgos laborales relacionados con agentes físicos ocupacionales requiere una combinación de enfoques técnicos, administrativos y educativos, así como en la práctica, monitorear estos agentes y la implementación de controles ingenieriles, el uso adecuado de equipos de protección personal, la capacitación permanente y la promoción de prácticas seguras como fundamento para proteger la salud de los trabajadores.
Workers face various physical hazards in the workplace, including exposure to high levels of noise, poor lighting, vibrations from the use of hand tools and machinery, extreme temperatures, and exposure to ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, all of which can cause health damage. Therefore, it is important to conduct occupational monitoring and implement control and prevention measures to ensure a safe and healthy work environment. The aim of this study is to develop an easily consultable document on the physical risks to which workers in different occupational fields in Peru are exposed. Design: A documentary research process was carried out. Materials and Methods: Information was sought from indexed journals, scientific research, meta-analyses, systematic reviews, technical documents, and national and international regulations. Once all the information was compiled, we proceeded with the analysis and development of the study. Results: The study was developed that included the main physical agents such as noise, lighting, vibrations, extreme temperatures, barometric pressure and ionizing and non-ionizing radiations. Conclusion: The prevention of occupational hazards related to physical occupational agents requires a combination of technical, administrative, and educational approaches, as well as practical monitoring of these agents and the implementation of engineering controls, proper use of personal protective equipment, ongoing training, and the promotion of safe practices as a foundation to protect workers' health.
Workers face various physical hazards in the workplace, including exposure to high levels of noise, poor lighting, vibrations from the use of hand tools and machinery, extreme temperatures, and exposure to ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, all of which can cause health damage. Therefore, it is important to conduct occupational monitoring and implement control and prevention measures to ensure a safe and healthy work environment. The aim of this study is to develop an easily consultable document on the physical risks to which workers in different occupational fields in Peru are exposed. Design: A documentary research process was carried out. Materials and Methods: Information was sought from indexed journals, scientific research, meta-analyses, systematic reviews, technical documents, and national and international regulations. Once all the information was compiled, we proceeded with the analysis and development of the study. Results: The study was developed that included the main physical agents such as noise, lighting, vibrations, extreme temperatures, barometric pressure and ionizing and non-ionizing radiations. Conclusion: The prevention of occupational hazards related to physical occupational agents requires a combination of technical, administrative, and educational approaches, as well as practical monitoring of these agents and the implementation of engineering controls, proper use of personal protective equipment, ongoing training, and the promotion of safe practices as a foundation to protect workers' health.
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Discipline: Medicina Ocupacional y del Medio Ambiente
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Escuela de Posgrado Víctor Alzamora Castro
Grade or title: Maestro en Medicina Ocupacional y del Medio Ambiente
Juror: Bazan Ponte, Yanina; Cueva Vasquez, Henry Alexander; Astete Cornejo, Raul
Register date: 10-Jun-2024
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