Bibliographic citations
Burga, C., (2023). Evaluación de herramientas para el control de la fasciolosis bovina: prueba diagnóstica por amplificación isotérmica mediada por bucle y actividad trematicida del extracto de Allium sativum [Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia].
Burga, C., Evaluación de herramientas para el control de la fasciolosis bovina: prueba diagnóstica por amplificación isotérmica mediada por bucle y actividad trematicida del extracto de Allium sativum []. PE: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; 2023.
title = "Evaluación de herramientas para el control de la fasciolosis bovina: prueba diagnóstica por amplificación isotérmica mediada por bucle y actividad trematicida del extracto de Allium sativum",
author = "Burga Cisterna, Cesar Abel",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia",
year = "2023"
Fasciolosis is one of the most important liver parasitosis in the country. Currently, the main limitations in the control of this disease are the correct diagnosis and the progressive resistance to triclabendazole, which is the drug recommended for its treatment. For this reason, the present work proposes i) to develop and evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of LAMP (Loop-Mediated isothermal amplification) applying an optimization in the extraction of DNA in bovine feces and ii) to evaluate the in vitro fasciolicide efficacy of the extracts of garlic. Investigation 1: Study where a new LAMP test is developed, optimizing DNA extraction, evaluating its diagnostic accuracy. The DNA extraction technique for F. hepatica was optimized by combining the stool sedimentation technique (F. hepatica eggs concentration) and the lysis technique with Zirconia/Silica beads in a high-speed homogenizer at 6m/s for 40 sec; these two techniques were coupled with commercial DNA extraction kits. For the development of the LAMP test, specific primers were designed for the ITS-1 region, optimizing the test conditions to run it at 60°C for 40 min. For the evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of LAMP, a case-control design was used, collecting 139 fecal samples from bovines slaughtered in the "Frigorífico camal San Pedro" in Lurín-Perú. Samples were classified as positive and negative using postmortem liver inspection and egg in bile microscopy. LAMP optimized with the DNA extraction technique achieved a sensitivity of 87.8% (95% CI: 80.4% - 93.2%) and a specificity of 100% (95% CI: 85.8% - 100%), with a negative likelihood ratio of 0.12. (CI95: 0.08 - 0.19). Investigation 2: Experimental study where the trematicidal efficacy of garlic extracts was evaluated in vitro. Adult stages of F. hepatica were incubated for 48 h exposed to 10 μg/ml garlic essential oil, 10 μg/ml aqueous garlic extract and 15 μg/ml triclabendazole sulfoxide using 112 flukes for each treatment. Efficacy was evaluated with the percentage of totally paralyzed flukes for each group. Adults of F. hepatica incubated with triclabendazole sulfoxide (15 μg/ml) showed a higher percentage of paralyzed flukes with respect to aqueous extracts (16.9 vs 0%; P<0.002) and essential oils (16.9 vs 4.5%; P< 0.001). Additionally, a dose-response evaluation was made, determining that the lethal concentration 50 (LC50) of the essential oil of garlic was 0.066 mg/ml, while the LC50 of the aqueous extract of garlic was 8.37 mg/ml; these concentrations were not showed cytotoxic effects. In conclusion, LAMP technique with optimized DNA extraction is a sensitive and highly specific diagnostic test for the diagnosis of bovine fasciolosis and that the aqueous extracts and essential oil of garlic at a concentration of 10 μg/ml show fasciolicidal activity in vitro lower than triclabendazole sulfoxide at 15 μg/ml. However, at higher concentrations, garlic extracts do show fasciolicidal activity without cytotoxic activity.
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