Bibliographic citations
Saez, P., Carpio, R. (2024). Características sociodemográficas y síndrome de burnout en los profesionales de enfermería del primer nivel de atención del distrito de San Martín de Porres - Lima, 2021 [Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia].
Saez, P., Carpio, R. Características sociodemográficas y síndrome de burnout en los profesionales de enfermería del primer nivel de atención del distrito de San Martín de Porres - Lima, 2021 []. PE: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; 2024.
title = "Características sociodemográficas y síndrome de burnout en los profesionales de enfermería del primer nivel de atención del distrito de San Martín de Porres - Lima, 2021",
author = "Carpio Sanchez, Rossivell del Rocio",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia",
year = "2024"
Burnout Syndrome (BS) is a manifestation of chronic work stress that makes it difficult to realize labor productivity, where the main injured are workers who are more exposed to healthcare or care activities, such as nursing professionals. Objective: To determine the sociodemographic characteristics associated with the development of Burnout in nursing professionals working in seventeen primary health care centers. Material and Method: Quantitative study of correlational and cross-sectional descriptive type, in 17 primary health care centers in district of San Martin Porres belonging to the Network Directorate Integrated Health (DIRIS) Lima- North. The instrument is the Burnout Inventory Maslach and sociodemographic data to be used for the collection of information, to be encoded and entered into a database created in the Ms. Excel program for statistical analysis with the Stata version 17.0 program in contingency tables. The chi-square statistical test (p<0.05) was used to evaluate the association between the study variables. Results: It was found that the Nurses with service time between 11 to 15 years (63.6%) presented higher SB. Only 33.3% of nursing professionals presented SB. Conclusion: Service time is related to burnout syndrome in nursing professionals.
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