Bibliographic citations
Centeno, M., (2023). Descripción del proceso diagnóstico en 12 casos de leptospirosis canina según serovariedad implicada en la infección [Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia].
Centeno, M., Descripción del proceso diagnóstico en 12 casos de leptospirosis canina según serovariedad implicada en la infección []. PE: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; 2023.
title = "Descripción del proceso diagnóstico en 12 casos de leptospirosis canina según serovariedad implicada en la infección",
author = "Centeno Salas, Marie Jane",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia",
year = "2023"
The professional proficiency work is based on the search, organization and collection of data from medical records of 12 cases of canine leptospirosis registered at the Urbanvet Veterinary Clinic, located in the district of Chorrillos, South Lima, during the period 2020-2022; where similarities were described in the review, anamnesis and laboratory results of: complete blood count, blood biochemistry, urinalysis, vertical flow (SNAP 4Dx) and validity of the Leptospira vaccine. In addition, the frequency of mortality in the study will be reduced. The result of the microagglutination test (MAT) was thought to be an independent variable, since a positive result will prolong the presence of the disease. The MAT result cohort cutoff was equal to or greater than 1:100. The serovars analyzed and found for this study were L canicola and L icterohaemorrhagiae. Data are analyzed using a retrospective observational descriptive model. Among the most relevant results during the presentation of Leptospirosis were: The most frequent patients were elderly (≥ 7 years) (50%), females (58.33%) and purebred (58.33%). Most presented loss of apetite (100%), abdominal pain (66.6%), diarrhea (75%) and vomiting (58%). At the blood level leukocytosis (41.67%), thrombocytopenia (50%), anemia (41.67%), uremia (50%), hyperproteinemia (30%), proteinuria (62.5%), hematuria (50%), bilirubinuria and excess red blood cells per field (62.5%). Likewise, of the unvaccinated patients, 44.44% had an unfavorable prognosis. A mortality of 33.3% was found for this study, with the majority of patients not vaccinated.
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