Bibliographic citations
Salazar, E., (2023). Determinación de la correlación del método de determinación de sedimentos potenciales totales en función de los métodos de determinación de sedimentos acelerados totales, de valor P, de asfaltenos, de gravedad API, de azufre total, de agua por destilación y de residuos de carbón en crudos de petróleo West Texas Light [Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia].
Salazar, E., Determinación de la correlación del método de determinación de sedimentos potenciales totales en función de los métodos de determinación de sedimentos acelerados totales, de valor P, de asfaltenos, de gravedad API, de azufre total, de agua por destilación y de residuos de carbón en crudos de petróleo West Texas Light []. PE: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; 2023.
title = "Determinación de la correlación del método de determinación de sedimentos potenciales totales en función de los métodos de determinación de sedimentos acelerados totales, de valor P, de asfaltenos, de gravedad API, de azufre total, de agua por destilación y de residuos de carbón en crudos de petróleo West Texas Light",
author = "Salazar Torre, Eduardo Elgar",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia",
year = "2023"
The present research work is focused on the search for a correlation between the different methods that are used in the laboratories of the refineries as estimators of the stability or compatibility of the residuals that are obtained from atmospheric distillation and vacuum distillation unities. The objective was to evaluate the existence of a correlation of the method of potential total sediments (SPT) based on seven variables: method of determination of accelerated total sediments (SAT), P value (VP), asphaltenes (AS), API gravity (AP), total sulfur (AT), water by distillation (AD) and of carbon residues (RC) in a West Texas Light crude. For this, the results of 41 samples of residuals of this crude from each column (atmospheric and vacuum) were collected, which were subjected to eight tests that, interpreted separately or as a whole, are utilized as predictors of sediment formation. The results revealed that for the residual of the atmospheric pressure column, the model is reduced to three independent variables: SAT, VP and AD with a coefficient of determination of 65.32%, which indicates a moderate positive correlation. While for the residual of the vacuum pressure column, the model is reduced to two independent variables: SAT, AP with a coefficient of determination of 88.19%, which indicates a moderate positive correlation. These models obtained allow us to conclude that the residuals analyzed from different raw materials and when subjected to unequal operating conditions generate two dependency correlations that maintain similarity with respect to the independent variable SAT but it varies with respect to the rest, and have different coefficients of determination. Additionally, it was verified that the SAT method is the one that best recreates the characteristics of the SPT while the AS, which is usually the most relevant according to the bibliography for sedimentation, is not for this case.
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