Bibliographic citations
Guimaray, G., Liñan, D. (2023). Análisis de la disponibilidad de dispositivos médicos considerados como bienes comunes en hospitales nivel II de Áncash, en el periodo enero 2016 a marzo 2020 [Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia].
Guimaray, G., Liñan, D. Análisis de la disponibilidad de dispositivos médicos considerados como bienes comunes en hospitales nivel II de Áncash, en el periodo enero 2016 a marzo 2020 []. PE: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; 2023.
title = "Análisis de la disponibilidad de dispositivos médicos considerados como bienes comunes en hospitales nivel II de Áncash, en el periodo enero 2016 a marzo 2020",
author = "Liñan Medina, Dianacarolina Patricia",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia",
year = "2023"
Introduction: Medical devices considered as common goods are important components in the Health System because they are used to provide services for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases, therefore, their availability is essential to guarantee adequate and timely care. In addition, there is little information about availability of these in health establishments, nationally and even internationally. Objective: To determine the availability of medical devices considered as common goods in level II hospitals in the Áncash region, between January 2016 and March 2020. Material and methods: A descriptive and cross sectional study was carried out. All the medical devices considered as common goods of the Diresa Áncash level II hospitals that record information monthly on consumption and stock in the Integrated Consumption Report (ICI) were analyzed. Results: The availability, at the percentage level, of the DM in the level II hospitals of Diresa Áncash, between January 2016 and March 2020, was mostly regular and high, there were two months in low level, and it did not reach having an optimal level. In addition, at the stock level, there was a high number of products in overstock, of which ten of them had this condition for more than three consecutive years, the sum of their unit prices was S/ 9.87 and it registered monthly stocks valued between S/ 9,863.40 and S/ 42,881.85. The item with the highest value was surgical glove and the lowest, hypodermic needle; however, it had stocks to cover around 9 years. Similar situations were evidenced in other products. Conclusion: The level of percentage availability is largely determined by the high level of the medical devices in overstock; therefore, the regulations must establish maximum limits to avoid this situation.
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