Bibliographic citations
Miranda, S., Povis, J., Torres, A. (2023). Impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19 en el acceso a información sobre salud bucal en niños peruanos [Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia].
Miranda, S., Povis, J., Torres, A. Impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19 en el acceso a información sobre salud bucal en niños peruanos []. PE: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; 2023.
title = "Impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19 en el acceso a información sobre salud bucal en niños peruanos",
author = "Torres Manyari, Alvaro Raúl",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia",
year = "2023"
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic was differentiated from other similar events due to the large amount of information obtained through the internet, used as a tool to overcome the obstacle of social distancing. Despite this, children were a highly affected group, since the prevention of oral diseases in these times depended on the parents and the information they obtained. General objective: Determine the impact of the pandemic on the access to information on oral health in Peruvian children under 12 years of age. Materials and methods: Cross sectional study, the information of the Demographic and Family Health Survey (ENDES) was used in the period 2019-2020; the population was children from 0 to 11 years old; according to a sample of 39124 children for this period. The results were analyzed according to the variables year, natural region, place of residence, area of residence, altitude, wealth index, possession of health insurance, sex and age. Results: The pandemic was associated with access to information on oral health, taking into account the variables of natural regions, place of residence, area of residence, altitude, wealth index, possession of health insurance, but not with the variable old. Conclusion: The pandemic affected access to oral health information, with the groups with the highest probability of access to oral health information being those from the metropolitan Lima region, the urban area, residence in the capital, altitude less than 2500 m, an index of wealth very rich, be male and be between 6 and 11 years old.
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