Bibliographic citations
Ninamango, E., (2023). Percepción acerca de la presencia de perros vagabundos y su impacto sobre la salud pública entre clientes de servicios veterinarios de Lima [Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia].
Ninamango, E., Percepción acerca de la presencia de perros vagabundos y su impacto sobre la salud pública entre clientes de servicios veterinarios de Lima []. PE: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; 2023.
title = "Percepción acerca de la presencia de perros vagabundos y su impacto sobre la salud pública entre clientes de servicios veterinarios de Lima",
author = "Ninamango Avalos, Emanuel Satoshi",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia",
year = "2023"
The objective of the study was to determine the perception of clients of veterinary services in Metropolitan Lima about the presence of stray dogs and the impact they generate on public health. For this, virtual surveys were carried out between the months of September to October 2021. The surveys had multiple alternative questions and to fill in, participation was voluntary and anonymous. 388 surveys were collected, 75.8% of the people surveyed considered that stray dogs were a problem. The main problems caused by stray dogs were the dispersal of garbage (57%) and the contamination of the streets with feces and urine (53.6%). Regarding the problems that affect stray dogs, the most frequently identified were the presence of external parasites (91%), traffic accidents (86.3%) and lack of shelter (80.9%). According to those surveyed, the main people responsible for dealing with the problem of the increase in stray dogs are the municipalities (93.3%) and the dog owners (85.6%). The most important and best accepted solutions by those surveyed were, in order of priority, the sterilization of females (93.8%), the adoptions and castration of males both with (89.2%) and the application of fines for abandonment (75.8%). In conclusion, the study shows that the respondents consider stray dogs as an important problem which is not being solved by the respective authorities, they also indicate the alternatives with which they agree to combat the problem. The information obtained can be used to develop a population control plan that is more efficient and accepted by the population.
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