Bibliographic citations
Barrón, Y., Sifuentes, G. (2022). Factores limitantes y facilitadores en la implementación del programa de teleorientación del servicio de nutrición del primer nivel de atención de la DIRIS Lima Norte [Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia].
Barrón, Y., Sifuentes, G. Factores limitantes y facilitadores en la implementación del programa de teleorientación del servicio de nutrición del primer nivel de atención de la DIRIS Lima Norte []. PE: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; 2022.
title = "Factores limitantes y facilitadores en la implementación del programa de teleorientación del servicio de nutrición del primer nivel de atención de la DIRIS Lima Norte",
author = "Sifuentes Martínez, Guadalupe",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia",
year = "2022"
Introduction. Teleorientation in nutrition service has been implemented with the purpose to continue with the long-distance nutritional attention such as preventive measure of the propagation of COVID 19. Objective. To identify the limiting and facilitating factors in the implementation of the nutrition teleorientation program in the IPRESS of DIRIS – Lima Norte from the perspective of health professional and users, that influence the success of the program. Method. A qualitative study of phenomenological design, individual semi-structured interviews and a focus group were performed on the healthcare workers and mothers of children under five years of age, who participated in the teleorientation program of the nutrition service. Results. Twenty-eight participants were interviewed, seventeen healthcare workers and eleven mothers of users. The dimensions obtained were resources, knowledge, normative, personal and attention quality. Conclusions. Main limiting factor identified by healthcare workers on this investigation was the absence of technology resources in the service, like computer and mobile phone. Meanwhile the main facilitating factor was the use of WhatsApp because reduces the effects of bad signal in the communication and their user-friendly system.
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