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Bautista, E., (2022). Determinantes psicosociales asociados a la sobrecarga del cuidador primario de personas con discapacidad [Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia].
Bautista, E., Determinantes psicosociales asociados a la sobrecarga del cuidador primario de personas con discapacidad []. PE: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; 2022.
title = "Determinantes psicosociales asociados a la sobrecarga del cuidador primario de personas con discapacidad",
author = "Bautista Bravo, Eder Elias",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia",
year = "2022"
Title: Determinantes psicosociales asociados a la sobrecarga del cuidador primario de personas con discapacidad
Authors(s): Bautista Bravo, Eder Elias
Advisor(s): Orihuela Anaya, Rita Selene
OCDE field:;;
Issue Date: 2022
Institution: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
Abstract: El incremento de personas con algún tipo de discapacidad involucra el aumento de cuidadores primarios en cada familia. Estos se enfrentan a múltiples demandas de atención y a diversos determinantes psicosociales que pueden generar lo que se denomina la Sobrecarga del cuidador. La presente investigación tuvo por objetivo analizar los determinantes psicosociales que explican la aparición e intensidad de la sobrecarga del cuidador primario de personas con discapacidad. Es un estudio de tipo investigación documental en donde se revisaron distintas fuentes de información publicadas en artículos y revistas de libre acceso. Los 28 artículos e investigaciones revisadas presentan un diseño descriptivo transversal, otros en menor medida de tipo correlacional, revisiones sistemáticas, estados del arte, analítico y observacional. Entre los resultados analizados, se pudo evidenciar que existen diversos determinantes psicosociales que influyen en la sobrecarga, entre los más significativos y reiterativos se encuentran el tipo de discapacidad, la percepción de salud, el tiempo de cuidado, la capacitación de cómo realizar el cuidado y el apoyo ante el cuidado.
The increase in people with some type of disability involves the increase of primary caregivers in each family. They face multiple demands for care and various psychosocial determinants that can generate what is called caregiver overload. The objective of this research was to analyze the psychosocial determinants that explain the appearance and intensity of the overload of the primary caregiver of people with disabilities. It is a documentary research type study where different sources of information published in articles and open access magazines were reviewed. The 28 articles and investigations reviewed present a cross-sectional descriptive design, others to a lesser extent of a correlational type, systematic reviews, states of the art, analytical and observational. Among the results analyzed, it was possible to show that there are various psychosocial determinants that influence overload, among the most significant and repetitive are the type of disability, the perception of health, the time of care, the training of how to carry out the care and care support.
The increase in people with some type of disability involves the increase of primary caregivers in each family. They face multiple demands for care and various psychosocial determinants that can generate what is called caregiver overload. The objective of this research was to analyze the psychosocial determinants that explain the appearance and intensity of the overload of the primary caregiver of people with disabilities. It is a documentary research type study where different sources of information published in articles and open access magazines were reviewed. The 28 articles and investigations reviewed present a cross-sectional descriptive design, others to a lesser extent of a correlational type, systematic reviews, states of the art, analytical and observational. Among the results analyzed, it was possible to show that there are various psychosocial determinants that influence overload, among the most significant and repetitive are the type of disability, the perception of health, the time of care, the training of how to carry out the care and care support.
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Discipline: Psicología
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Facultad de Psicología Leopoldo Chiappo Galli
Grade or title: Licenciado en Psicología
Juror: Mendoza Castillo, Jorge Manuel; Vigo Fernández-Prada, Victoria de Jesús; Chang Marcovich, Mey Ling Rosa
Register date: 6-Dec-2022
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