Bibliographic citations
Llanos, R., (2022). Diagnóstico y evaluación de escalas salariales según la Ley N°30709 de Equidad Remunerativa a una empresa del sector inmobiliario de Lima Metropolitana [Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia].
Llanos, R., Diagnóstico y evaluación de escalas salariales según la Ley N°30709 de Equidad Remunerativa a una empresa del sector inmobiliario de Lima Metropolitana []. PE: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; 2022.
title = "Diagnóstico y evaluación de escalas salariales según la Ley N°30709 de Equidad Remunerativa a una empresa del sector inmobiliario de Lima Metropolitana",
author = "Llanos Córdova, Romina Sofía",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia",
year = "2022"
The main objective of this research work was "To determine the diagnosis and evaluation of salary scales according to Law No.30709 of Remunerative Equity in a company of the Real Estate sector in Metropolitan Lima". In addition, it proposed as specific objectives to determine the relationship between the valuation of positions and salary compensation, as well as the existence of Remunerative Equity. This project used the methodology of job evaluation by the Points System by Factor. The technique was analytical and quantitative, being applied through the survey: “Weighting sheet of factors by Method of Judges”. In addition, the unstructured interviews together with the data obtained by the company allowed to gather the necessary information to be processed by the statistical program R to diagnose and restructure the wage bands; to finally by Wilcoxon's test of difference of medians, determine if there is remunerative equity. The results showed a distribution of positions and salaries in 4 salary bands, of which 14 people were outside them, representing wage inequality. However, the valuation of positions and the salary compensation of the company presented an expected trend; and it was found that salary bands by gender did present remunerative equity. Therefore, it was concluded that the application of an adequate remuneration system allows organizations to quantify the actual work in a fair and equitable way to its performance, being the responsibility of all peruvian organizations to comply with the requirements of Law No. 30709.
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