Bibliographic citations
Aguilar, M., Gálvez, B., Morales, D., Pariona, D. (2021). Factores de riesgo asociados a incapacidad vocal en los Tecnólogos Médicos en Terapia de Lenguaje que realizan teleorientación en Lima-Perú durante el periodo noviembre 2020 [Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia].
Aguilar, M., Gálvez, B., Morales, D., Pariona, D. Factores de riesgo asociados a incapacidad vocal en los Tecnólogos Médicos en Terapia de Lenguaje que realizan teleorientación en Lima-Perú durante el periodo noviembre 2020 []. PE: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; 2021.
title = "Factores de riesgo asociados a incapacidad vocal en los Tecnólogos Médicos en Terapia de Lenguaje que realizan teleorientación en Lima-Perú durante el periodo noviembre 2020",
author = "Pariona Tineo, Diana Julissa",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia",
year = "2021"
Background: As a result of the state of emergency, many medical technologists in Speech Therapy have had to resort to teleorientation, using their voice as a working tool for several hours and even without any rest, these being some of the risk factors that generate vocal disability. Objective: To determine the association between risk factors and vocal disability in Medical Technologists in Language Therapy that carry out teleorientation in Lima-Peru during the period November 2020. Material and methods: Descriptive study of an analytical cross-sectional type. A data collection sheet of 10 questions referring to risk factors and the questionnaire of the Vocal Disability Index (VHI-30) will be used, which consists of 30 questions which will be sent by social networks: WhatsApp and Messenger, this will be answered by the Google Form program by Medical Technologists in Speech Therapy who perform teleorientation. Results found concluded that: The Age Risk Factor (Fisher's of 0.044) and the Work Hours Risk Factor (Fisher's is 0.038) have an association with vocal disability. Whereas: the Hydration Risk Factor (Fisher's is 1.000), the Work Environment Risk Factor (Fisher's is 0.142) and the Sore Throat Risk Factor are not associated with vocal disability (Fisher's is 0.764).
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