Bibliographic citations
Garcia, A., (2021). Gasto de bolsillo en medicamentos en pacientes con trastornos mentales y de adicción que recibieron atención médica en el Consultorio de Psiquiatría del Hospital Regional Docente de Cajamarca durante los meses enero y febrero de 2020 [Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia].
Garcia, A., Gasto de bolsillo en medicamentos en pacientes con trastornos mentales y de adicción que recibieron atención médica en el Consultorio de Psiquiatría del Hospital Regional Docente de Cajamarca durante los meses enero y febrero de 2020 []. PE: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; 2021.
title = "Gasto de bolsillo en medicamentos en pacientes con trastornos mentales y de adicción que recibieron atención médica en el Consultorio de Psiquiatría del Hospital Regional Docente de Cajamarca durante los meses enero y febrero de 2020",
author = "Garcia Perez, Anali",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia",
year = "2021"
This research determines the out-of-pocket expenditure on drugs made by patients with mental and addiction disorders who received medical attention at the psychiatry office of the Cajamarca Regional Teaching Hospital during the months of January and February 2020. This study is of the type descriptive cross-sectional quantitative. A survey was applied, specially designed for the investigation, directed to the patient or family member and 120 direct interviews were carried out. The results show that of the total of respondents, 63.3% made out-of-pocket expenses on their medications, which ranged from S/.3.00 to S/.600.00, the median was S/.17.50 and the average S/.74.46. 73.7% of the respondents who incurred Out-of-Pocket Expenses, purchased their medications in private pharmacies, due to the shortage of these. Out-of-pocket expenses mainly impacted SIS affiliates, the average being S/.45.73 and the median S/.5.00, with respect to EsSalud affiliates that the mean out-of-pocket expense was S/.166.05 and the median S/.16.50. In addition, of the total number of patients who incurred out-of-pocket expenses, 51.3% allocate up to 10% of their salary income for the purchase of their medications. Finally, it is concluded that there is out-of-pocket expense in the study population, mainly affecting the SIS insured, which shows the persistent lack of financial protection and which is still far from being achieved for the insured, which is why , mental health care should be promoted through the implementation of strategies focused on improving drug supply management.
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