Bibliographic citations
Díaz, K., (2005). Determinación de la actividad antibacteriana “invitro“ de Minthostachys mollis Griseb (muña) frente a bacterias orales de importancia estomatológica [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos].
Díaz, K., Determinación de la actividad antibacteriana “invitro“ de Minthostachys mollis Griseb (muña) frente a bacterias orales de importancia estomatológica [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; 2005.
title = "Determinación de la actividad antibacteriana “invitro“ de Minthostachys mollis Griseb (muña) frente a bacterias orales de importancia estomatológica",
author = "Díaz Ledesma, Karin",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos",
year = "2005"
Determintation of the Antibiotic Activity of Minthostachys mollis “Muna“ in vitro against important oral bacteria. The objetive of this research was to determinte the antibacterial activity of the esenial oil of Minthostachys mollis “Muna“, in vitro, against S. mutans, Lactobacilluys sp., Fusobacterium nucleatum, Actinobacillus actinoyicetencomitans y Actinomyces sp. The esencial oil was obtained with the vapor distilation from steams, leafes and flowers of “Muna“.The positive control was Amoxicilin 30ug and the negative was distillated water. The results were as follows: The diameters of inhibition for Amoxicilin had an average of 49.89mm(±10.52). Those for Muna had an average of 16.75 mm (±4.40). In all the cases, the inhibition diameter obatined for H2O were of 0 mm. There was a stadistical diference, in 95%, between the diameters (p=0.000). When the inhibition diameters where compared amomg the 5 studied strains, there was a stadistical diference by the bacteria strains (p=0.007, ANOVA). The highest agerage of inhibition was for Fusobactrium nucleatum (20.13mm) and teh lowest for Actinomices sp. (11.00mm). Where the inhibition diameters obtained by the action of the positive control (Amoxicilin)were compared by the bacteria strain,there was a stadistical diference (p < 0.000, ANOVA), the most sensbible was S. Mutans (68.00mm) and that with the lowest diameter was Actinomyces sp. (33.25mm).
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