Bibliographic citations
Gutiérrez, W., (2002). Análisis comparativo in vitro del desgaste abrasivo entre una resina condensable y una amalgama dental [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos].
Gutiérrez, W., Análisis comparativo in vitro del desgaste abrasivo entre una resina condensable y una amalgama dental [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; 2002.
title = "Análisis comparativo in vitro del desgaste abrasivo entre una resina condensable y una amalgama dental",
author = "Gutiérrez Guerrero, Wilfredo Salomón",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos",
year = "2002"
The present study compared in vitro the abrasive waste betweenn a dental amalgam and a high density resin. Two cubic milimetre cavities were performed in 20 dental pieces (healthy and new third molars). Ten samples were rebuilt with Vivalloy dental amalgam and the other ten were rebuilt wihn Synergy Compact resin. The abrasive wear was performed by means of Drill Beat method,with has a diamond tip blunt, with power of 1,5 Kg. The wear was measured considering the lost of volumen(cm3). The diference between the waste of the Vivalloy amalgam (0.002+ 0.0006) and the Synergy Compact resin (0,043+ 0,007) was statistically significant (p menor 0,001). The Vivalloy amalgam shows less abrasive wear than the Synergy Compact resin.
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