Bibliographic citations
Paredes, M., (2010). Relación de medidas biométricas y el desarrollo macroscópico del intestino de la cría de alpaca (Vicugna pacos) [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos].
Paredes, M., Relación de medidas biométricas y el desarrollo macroscópico del intestino de la cría de alpaca (Vicugna pacos) [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; 2010.
title = "Relación de medidas biométricas y el desarrollo macroscópico del intestino de la cría de alpaca (Vicugna pacos)",
author = "Paredes Páucar, Manuel Enrique",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos",
year = "2010"
--- One of the critical periods in the alpaca production is the immediate period postbirth. During this period the rate of mortality is given principally by enteric diseases, also dynamic changes exist in the intestinal structure corresponding to the gradual change of diet. A suitable measure of the intestine provides a factor for an immediate response to pathophisyologic changes; nevertheless, there are no works with regard to the intestinal anatomy in alpacas, nor their relation of these with biometric measures. The present study took 32 alpacas between the 0 to 45 days of age, to which were taken biometric measurements (corporal length, height to the cross, thoracic perimeter and abdominal perimeter) and intestinal measures (length and diameter of all the intestinal portions), in turn also age and alive weight was registered. The relation among the diverse biometric measures, principally thoracic perimeter, with the alive weight of the animals presents a moderated to strong intensity. About the intestinal measures, they registered a wide range among these and the biometric measures, nevertheless, it could estimate considerable correlation index among the length of the jejunum and the alive weight of the animal (0.680), as well as with the thoracic perimeter (0.714). Observations in the total sample determine that the total intestine length increases almost the double of its size in the first 45 days of life. Key Words: alpaca, intestine, biometric measurements.
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