Bibliographic citations
Verástegui, K., (2015). Utilidad del Cociente Inhibitorio en la interpretación del antibiograma para Enterobacterias aisladas de Urocultivos en pacientes ambulatorios, Hospital Nacional Docente Madre Niño (HONADOMANI) “San Bartolomé” Febrero - Diciembre 2014 Lima-Perú [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos].
Verástegui, K., Utilidad del Cociente Inhibitorio en la interpretación del antibiograma para Enterobacterias aisladas de Urocultivos en pacientes ambulatorios, Hospital Nacional Docente Madre Niño (HONADOMANI) “San Bartolomé” Febrero - Diciembre 2014 Lima-Perú [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; 2015.
title = "Utilidad del Cociente Inhibitorio en la interpretación del antibiograma para Enterobacterias aisladas de Urocultivos en pacientes ambulatorios, Hospital Nacional Docente Madre Niño (HONADOMANI) “San Bartolomé” Febrero - Diciembre 2014 Lima-Perú",
author = "Verástegui Pereira, Karina Meliza",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos",
year = "2015"
--- Introduction: The interpretation by the CLSI antimicrobial susceptibility tends to provide certain information to better choose the antimicrobial capable of inhibiting or reducing bacterial growth, but there is a mismatch of in vitro susceptibility testing of isolated urinary tract pathogen the response of the clinical efficacy of antibacterial or selection. Objective: To determine the usefulness of the inhibitory quotient in the interpretation of Antibiogram made for enterobacteria isolated from urine cultures from outpatients. (...) Results: There were 223 positive enterobacteriaceae in outpatient urine cultures. The main uropathogens isolated was Escherichia coli (86.5%). An interpretation of favorable therapeutic response by the inhibitory quotient in all cases categorized as sensitive strains Fluoroquinolones, Betalactam and aminoglycoside was obtained. The strains were categorized as intermediate, an interpretation favorable therapeutic response was obtained for all inhibitory quotient with a frequency for each antibiotic tested: Ampicillin (5), Ceftriaxone (3), gentamicin (4); and Ciprofloxacin (5); Amikacin except that presented a case intermediate strain with an interpretation of therapeutic response CI unfavorable. Furthermore, it was shown that the strains as intermediates for the conventional interpretation cephalothin an interpretation of a positive therapeutic response with CI in 100% (52) of those found with a 95% CI (-6.9% to 6.9% was obtained). For cases of strains categorized as resistan, a percentage of them performed with a favorable therapeutic response by the CI 29.5% (13/44) for ceftriaxone, 27.5% (11/40) for gentamicin, 12.4% was observed (11/89) to ciprofloxacin and 8.1% (6/74) to cephalothin. The interpretation of sensitivity for E. coli strains and strains with BLEE presence between the two interpretations were compared. In the first case, only it observed for cephalothin 58 (30%) of more sensitive strains interpreted as significant favorable therapeutic response with 95% (20.3% to 39.0%) given by the inhibitory quotient. For the second case of E.coli BLEE producing strains it showed a significant difference in favor strains with favorable therapeutic response interpreted by the CI to Ceftriaxone 9 (26.5%) with a 95% (10.1% to 42.8%). Conclusions: The use of inhibitory quotient in the interpretation of susceptibility could give us more alternatives in the therapeutic choice provided that such results are assessed through monitoring of the patient by the physician, and still be diminished thereby cases of resistance, use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, which can also be expensive, and modify the dose, etc. Keywords: inhibitory ratio, maximum concentration of antimicrobial susceptibility, minimum inhibitory concentration, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics.
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