Bibliographic citations
Chiok, K., (2012). Expresión de Citoquinas de la respuesta TH1 (Ifnγ e Il2) y TH2 (Il4 e Il10) en mucosa intestinal de crías de alpaca (Vicugna Pacos) sanas y con Enteropatía [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos].
Chiok, K., Expresión de Citoquinas de la respuesta TH1 (Ifnγ e Il2) y TH2 (Il4 e Il10) en mucosa intestinal de crías de alpaca (Vicugna Pacos) sanas y con Enteropatía [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; 2012.
title = "Expresión de Citoquinas de la respuesta TH1 (Ifnγ e Il2) y TH2 (Il4 e Il10) en mucosa intestinal de crías de alpaca (Vicugna Pacos) sanas y con Enteropatía",
author = "Chiok Casimiro, Kim Lam Roxana",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos",
year = "2012"
-- The aim of this study was to characterize expression of cytokines belonging to the immune cellular (Th1) and humoral (Th2) adaptative responses in intestinal mucosa tissue from healthy and from sick newborn alpacas showing clinical signs of enteropathy, ages ranging from zero to 45 days. We assessed expression of mRNA levels of IFNγ and IL2 (Th1) along with IL4 and IL10 (Th2) by means of Real Time RT-PCR and relative quantization according to the 2-ΔΔCt method using the GAPDH gene as internal control and in relation to newborn animals which had not consumed any colostrum right after birth (calibrators). We found that expression of all these cytokines is detectable at the time of birth and it varies according to a gradual ascendant kinetics reaching its maximum expression between the third and fourth weeks of age in healthy animals. Also, IL2 is expressed poorly in this tissue while there is an apparent polarization towards Th1 responses, mainly due to high expression of IFNγ which levels are always higher than the rest of cytokines. There was significant statistic difference when health status and age were compared, also positive correlation between age and levels of expression, supporting our observations regarding gradual ascendant kinetics as a pattern of cytokine expression in healthy animals. Enteropathic animals showed very elevated levels of cytokine expression when compared to healthy animals and calibrators, particularly in the case of IFNγ and IL4, which in turn regulate each other and polarize immune responses towards Th1 and Th2, respectively. We could not find any specific expression pattern or positive correlation between age and cytokine expression in this group of animals. -- Key words: newborn alpaca, intestinal mucosa, Th1, Th2, mRNA, Real Time RT-PCR, relative quantization.
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