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Falcón, N., (2006). Efecto de la edad en un modelo de infección experimental de cisticercosis porcin [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos].
Falcón, N., Efecto de la edad en un modelo de infección experimental de cisticercosis porcin [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; 2006.
title = "Efecto de la edad en un modelo de infección experimental de cisticercosis porcin",
author = "Falcón Pérez, Néstor Gerardo",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos",
year = "2006"
Title: Efecto de la edad en un modelo de infección experimental de cisticercosis porcin
Authors(s): Falcón Pérez, Néstor Gerardo
Keywords: Cisticercosis en porcinos; Cisticercosis; Cerdos - Enfermedades; Tenia
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2006
Institution: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Abstract: El estudio tuvo por objetivo determinar el efecto de la edad sobre el modelo de infección experimental oral para cisticercosis porcina. Dieciocho porcinos provenientes de granjas comerciales negativos a la prueba de EITB de 1, 3 y 5 meses de edad fueron infectados por vía oral con un proglótido y evaluados serológicamente en forma periódica. Doce semanas después, los porcinos fueron necropsiados y se cuantificó el número de quistes intactos y degenerados presentes en el total de la musculatura esquelética, corazón y lengua. La viabilidad de los cisticercos intactos fue evaluada mediante la prueba de evaginación In Vitro. El número de cisticercos fue transformado a grado de infección mediante el análisis de clusters. Se utilizó la prueba de Kruskall Wallis para determinar diferencias y la prueba de correlación de Spearman para determinar el grado de asociación entre las variables edad e infección. Se encontró que la edad influía sobre el número de cisticercos viables y el grado de infección que alcanzan los porcinos infectados (p igual a 0.0079) y se observó una correlación inversa de -0.83 entre estas variables (p igual a 0.0001). Se demostró que la prueba de EITB solamente determina exposición a huevos de Taenia solium y que es necesario utilizar una prueba de detección de antígenos para aseverar que se ha alcanzado un modelo de infección experimental con cisticercosis viable.
Palabras Claves: cisticercosis, modelo animal, infección experimental, Taenia solium.
The aim of this study is to determine the effect of age upon the swine cysticercosis oral experimental infection model. Eighteen pigs from commercial farms, negative to EITB (Electro immune Transfer Blot Assay) test, of ages one, three and five months old, were orally infected with one proglottid and periodically evaluated by serology. After twelve weeks the pigs were necropsied and healthy and degenerated cysts were recover for the whole skeletal musculature, heart and tongue. The viability of the healthy Cysticerci was evaluated by the In vitro evagination test. The number of Cysticerci was transformed by degree of infection using cluster analysis. The Kruskall Wallis test was performed to find differences and the Spearman coefficient test to determine the degree of association between the variables of age and infection. Age influenced the number of viable Cysticerci and the infection level that infected pigs reached (p igual a 0.0079) with an inverse correlation of -0.83 between these variables (p igual a 0.0001). It was confirmed that the EITB test was only capable to determine exposure to Taenia solium eggs, it is necessary to use an antigen detection test, to confirm that we have reach an experimental infection model with viable cysticercosis. Key Words: Cysticercosis, animal model, experimental infection, Taenia solium.
The aim of this study is to determine the effect of age upon the swine cysticercosis oral experimental infection model. Eighteen pigs from commercial farms, negative to EITB (Electro immune Transfer Blot Assay) test, of ages one, three and five months old, were orally infected with one proglottid and periodically evaluated by serology. After twelve weeks the pigs were necropsied and healthy and degenerated cysts were recover for the whole skeletal musculature, heart and tongue. The viability of the healthy Cysticerci was evaluated by the In vitro evagination test. The number of Cysticerci was transformed by degree of infection using cluster analysis. The Kruskall Wallis test was performed to find differences and the Spearman coefficient test to determine the degree of association between the variables of age and infection. Age influenced the number of viable Cysticerci and the infection level that infected pigs reached (p igual a 0.0079) with an inverse correlation of -0.83 between these variables (p igual a 0.0001). It was confirmed that the EITB test was only capable to determine exposure to Taenia solium eggs, it is necessary to use an antigen detection test, to confirm that we have reach an experimental infection model with viable cysticercosis. Key Words: Cysticercosis, animal model, experimental infection, Taenia solium.
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Discipline: Medicina Veterinaria
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria. Escuela Académico Profesional de Medicina Veterinaria
Grade or title: Médico Veterinario
Register date: 20-Aug-2013
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