Bibliographic citations
López, C., (2004). Disfunción endotelial en adultos jóvenes con y sin antecedente de diabetes mellitus 2 [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos].
López, C., Disfunción endotelial en adultos jóvenes con y sin antecedente de diabetes mellitus 2 [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. PE: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; 2004.
title = "Disfunción endotelial en adultos jóvenes con y sin antecedente de diabetes mellitus 2",
author = "López Petrovich, César Eduardo",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos",
year = "2004"
--- Objective: To compare the frequency of endotelial dysfunction in adults-healthy individuals with antecedent of Diabetes (ADM+) and without antecedent of Diabetes (ADM-) using the doppler evaluation o vasooclussive patterns of brachial artery. Design: From April 2004 to September 2004, we made a prospective evaluation of 71 individuals in the Cardiology Service of Guillermo Almenara Hospital. We considered an abnormal result if there was a percentage below 4.4 of the vasodilation in brachial artery. On the other hand, we measured haemoglobin levels, glicemia, lipidic profile and plasmatic homocysteine levels. Results: The mean age of the population was 27.6 years (SD 5.98). 30 (42.3%) were male. We did not find differences in age and sex for this groups. This populations differed significativaly in cholesterol levels : total, LDL and tryglicerides which were elevated in ADM+ group. We found abnormal tests in 11/35 ADM + individuals and in 6/36 ADM- individuals (p NS). The postoclussive vasodilation of brachial artery was 0.0431 mm (DS 0.0745) in ADM + group and 0.0430 mm (DS 0.0332) in ADM- group. (p NS) Conclusion: We found abnormal tests suggestive of endothelial dysfunction in 17/71 adult healthy people without cardiovascular risk factors. The frequency of abnormal tests was higher in ADM + group, besides we did not find statistical differences between these groups. We suggest the follow-up of risk populations, using this test.
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