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Ventocilla, S., (2006). Seroprevalencia de Brucella spp. en bovinos del distrito de Tarma-Junín [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos].
Ventocilla, S., Seroprevalencia de Brucella spp. en bovinos del distrito de Tarma-Junín [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; 2006.
title = "Seroprevalencia de Brucella spp. en bovinos del distrito de Tarma-Junín",
author = "Ventocilla Guerra, Sandra Paola",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos",
year = "2006"
Title: Seroprevalencia de Brucella spp. en bovinos del distrito de Tarma-Junín
Authors(s): Ventocilla Guerra, Sandra Paola
Keywords: Brucelosis en ganado vacuno - Perú - Tarma (Junín : Distrito); Ganado vacuno - Enfermedades
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2006
Institution: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Abstract: El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la presencia de Brucella spp. en bovinos del distrito de Tarma-Junín, mediante la detección de anticuerpos en suero a través de la prueba de Rosa de Bengala. Se procesaron 344 muestras de suero y no se encontraron animales positivos (seroreactores), lo cual indica la ausencia de Brucella spp. o una prevalencia menor al 1% en la población estudiada. Estos resultados sugieren un plan estricto de vigilancia epidemiológica y la implementación de un programa de control y erradicación de brucelosis bovina en el distrito de Tarma con el fin de mantener al área “libre” de la enfermedad.
Palabras Claves: brucelosis bovina, Brucella spp., seroprevalencia, Rosa de Bengala, anticuerpos.
--- The objective of this study was to determine the presence of Brucella spp. in cattle of the district of Tarma, Junín, through the detection of antibodies in blood using the Rose Bengal test. A total of 344 serum samples were analysed and were not positive animals (seroreactors). This indicated the absence of Brucella spp. or a lower prevalence to 1% in the studied population. The results suggest a strict plan of monitoring epidemiologist and also the implementation of an eradication and control program for bovine brucellosis in the district of Tarma with the purpose of maintaining the area “free” of the disease. Key Words: bovine brucellosis, Brucella spp., seroprevalence, Rose Bengal, antibodies.
--- The objective of this study was to determine the presence of Brucella spp. in cattle of the district of Tarma, Junín, through the detection of antibodies in blood using the Rose Bengal test. A total of 344 serum samples were analysed and were not positive animals (seroreactors). This indicated the absence of Brucella spp. or a lower prevalence to 1% in the studied population. The results suggest a strict plan of monitoring epidemiologist and also the implementation of an eradication and control program for bovine brucellosis in the district of Tarma with the purpose of maintaining the area “free” of the disease. Key Words: bovine brucellosis, Brucella spp., seroprevalence, Rose Bengal, antibodies.
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Discipline: Medicina Veterinaria
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria. Escuela Académico Profesional de Medicina Veterinaria
Grade or title: Médico Veterinario
Register date: 20-Aug-2013
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