Bibliographic citations
Plasencia, J., (2007). Opinión de las enfermeras sobre las características y la utilidad de la información que brinda el reporte de enfermería en los Servicios de Medicina del Hospital Nacional Daniel Alcides Carrión, febrero 2007 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos].
Plasencia, J., Opinión de las enfermeras sobre las características y la utilidad de la información que brinda el reporte de enfermería en los Servicios de Medicina del Hospital Nacional Daniel Alcides Carrión, febrero 2007 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; 2007.
title = "Opinión de las enfermeras sobre las características y la utilidad de la información que brinda el reporte de enfermería en los Servicios de Medicina del Hospital Nacional Daniel Alcides Carrión, febrero 2007",
author = "Plasencia Rojas, Julissa Verónica",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos",
year = "2007"
-- The Personnel of Infirmary uses diverse types of registries and information to maintain a suitable communication interdisciplinary, in this set is Reporte of Infirmary like a type of report where the verbal communication for the exhibition of all the events happened during the turn is used to the patient; due to it it is important that he is made a suitable Report since will allow to the continuity of the cares and one better attention, guaranteeing therefore an attention of agreed quality to the necessities of the patient. The present study had like objective to determine the Opinion of the Nurses according to the characteristics and the utility of the Information that Daniel Alcides Carrión offers Reporte of Infirmary in the services of Medicine of the National Hospital, is of aplicativo level, quantitative type, exploratory descriptive method, of cross section, its population was conformed by 30 Nurses, the technique was the survey and the applied instrument is a control list, the results found in this study were: The Opinion that the Nurse has on the characteristics and the Utility of the Information that Reporte of Infirmary offers, of a total of 30 (100%) Nurses, 13 (43%) have a Favorable Opinion Moderately, 9 (30%) have a Favorable Opinion and finally 8 (27%) have an Unfavorable Opinion. Reason why one concludes that the great majority of the population of Nurses Moderately has a Favorable Opinion with respect to the Characteristics and to the Utility of the Information that offers Reporte of Infirmary. Key words: Opinion, Report of Infirmary, Characteristics and Utility of Reporte of Infirmary.
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