Bibliographic citations
Camargo, R., (2010). Patología del aparato respiratorio bajo en cerdos de crianza comercial, casuistica del laboratorio de Histología, Embriología y Patología Veterinaria – FMV.UNMSM período 2000 al 2006 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos].
Camargo, R., Patología del aparato respiratorio bajo en cerdos de crianza comercial, casuistica del laboratorio de Histología, Embriología y Patología Veterinaria – FMV.UNMSM período 2000 al 2006 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; 2010.
title = "Patología del aparato respiratorio bajo en cerdos de crianza comercial, casuistica del laboratorio de Histología, Embriología y Patología Veterinaria – FMV.UNMSM período 2000 al 2006",
author = "Camargo Hurtado, Rosina Julieta",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos",
year = "2010"
-- The swine health problems affect the farm productivity and pulmonary diseases are one of the most important causes of economic losses, hence the importance of knowing the health problems affect the pig farms in order to help the field veterinarian to the presumptive diagnosis. The aim of this study was to determine the respiratory lesions´ frequency in pigs arrived at the laboratory of Histology, Embryology and Pathology - Veterinary Pathology section of the UNMSM-FMV, diagnosed as during the period 2000 to 2006. We analyzed necropsy protocols of the Laboratory HEPV taking into account the following data: lung lesion diagnosis, race, age, sex and origin place, as well as reports of the Laboratory of Microbiology and Parasitology, Bacteriology Section of the animals were sent samples to confirm the causative agent. From a total of 6093 cases arrived at the laboratory, 417 belonged to the porcine species, of which 201 cases (48.2%) of these pathologies in the lung. According to pathological disorder types, the inflammatory type were most frequent with 143 cases (71.1%) and inside of them the bronchopneumonia occurred more frequently in 69 cases (34.3%), followed by lobar pneumonia were 57 cases (28.3%). In term of the races (Creole, hybrid and pure) was found that landrace had greater injury frequency 53/141 cases (46.5%). The animals in fattening stage had higher lesions frequency of 131/201 cases (65.2%). In relation to sex the injury frequency was 82/161 cases (50.9%) for females and 79/161 cases (49.1%) for males; according to place from, the south of Lima was found higher injury frequency 101/100 cases (50.2%) compared with other areas from Lima; and from 96 cases sent by bacteriological diagnosis found that only 7 different bacterias were isolated from lung, which the main were Haemophilus spp, Corynebacterium spp., Escherichia spp and Pasteurella spp. In conclusion respiratory problems in swine production represent 48.2% diagnosed through the macroscopic lesion diagnosis. However, the high frequency of bronchopneumonia and lobar pneumonia suggests the presence of some respiratory complex microorganisms. -- Key words: pigs, frequency of pulmonary lesions, pneumonia.
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