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Mendighettti, A., (2012). Estrategía de tecnología de la información en los gobiernos locales [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos].
Mendighettti, A., Estrategía de tecnología de la información en los gobiernos locales [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; 2012.
title = "Estrategía de tecnología de la información en los gobiernos locales",
author = "Mendighettti Costa, Alejandro Luis",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos",
year = "2012"
Title: Estrategía de tecnología de la información en los gobiernos locales
Authors(s): Mendighettti Costa, Alejandro Luis
Keywords: Sistemas de información en administración - Perú; Tecnología de la información - Administración; Gobierno local - Perú - Innovaciones tecnológicas
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2012
Institution: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Abstract: El presente trabajo de investigación trata de desarrollar un aporte a las soluciones de las deficiencias y limitaciones del actual Sistema Integrado de Administración Financiera (SIAF) de los gobiernos locales, cuyo propósito es que los diferentes estamentos de gobierno, mejoren la producción de información, necesaria para la toma de decisiones financieras orientadas a una eficiente marcha administrativa y operativa de las municipalidades incrementando los servicios municipales, en beneficio directo de la comunidad y de sus vecinos.
El planteamiento propuesto en la Tesis plantea esta en desarrollar una nueva versión del Sistema Integrado de Administración Financiera de los Gobiernos Locales, usando la metodología del Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), considerada como una Tecnología de la Información de características modulares e integrador de funciones de negocios, capaz de integrar procesos a través de interfaces a dos o más servidores de distintos entes, que quieren hacer un negocio cualquiera, considérese a las entidades y organismos publico así como a los gobiernos regionales y gobiernos locales y cualquier modalidad de ente privado nacional o extranjero, atributo que es aplicable a los procesos internos de cualquier ente, permitiendo que el empleado realice labores utilizando un procesador e interactúe directamente con el servidor, permitiendo ejecutar tareas mediante procesos secuenciales entre dos o más empleados utilizando un patrón estándar llamado procedimiento de programa y un procesador y otros hardware, es decir computación utilizando tecnología y herramientas de la Web 2.0.
A través de la aplicación de las técnicas de entrevistas se obtuvieron opiniones de acerca del Sistema Integrado de Administración Financiera (SIAF) de los gobiernos locales y quienes dirigen las funciones de presupuesto público, de tesorería, de contabilidad pública y de endeudamiento público de un lado y de manera particular el caso de los funcionarios de la Municipalidad de Santiago de Surco, en calidad de usuarios del sistema, así como un representante de la Oficina de Control Institucional de este gobierno local y un representante de una sociedad de auditoría adscrita al Registro de Sociedades de Auditoría de la Contraloría General de la República, que validen los argumentos sostenidos en el en el Enunciado de la Hipótesis Principal. La evidencia documentaria de mayor importancia que se menciona en la Tesis es el Estudio de evaluación internacional del Sistema Integrado de Administración Financiera (SIAF) del Sector Publico en versión resumida efectuada por PERÚ CONSORCIO IGTAS-SIDEPRO por encargo del Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (MEF).
La Hipótesis se validará con los indicadores de medición de optimización del Sistema Integrado de Administración Financiera (SIAF) de los gobiernos locales que se mide en lograr un desempeño con menos registros, menos tiempo de registro, menos información, menos sistemas auxiliares sin utilidad y menos personal; el segundo ángulo, el de la optimización. Respecto a lo cualitativo, como producción de información verdaderamente útil para la toma de decisiones de los gobiernos locales y del Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas, utilizable en el control posterior o recurrente de los órganos pertenecientes al Sistema Nacional de Control.
Este aporte se puede replicar en los 1,837 Gobiernos Locales (Municipios) de los cuales 195 son provinciales, y también en las denominados entidades: 121 Pliegos del Gobierno Nacional, 26 Pliegos de los Gobiernos Regionales (cada una un Pliego Presupuestal), 640 Unidades Ejecutoras de ámbito nacional y regional, su fundamento está en la utilización de la Tecnología de Información, denominada Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) que utilizan interfaces con una diversidad de sistemas auxiliares de gestión de los entes y otros entes externos
-- The present research is to develop a contribution to the solutions of the deficiencies and limitations of the current Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) local government, whose purpose is that different sectors of government, improve the production of information necessary for making financial decisions aimed at an efficient administrative and operational running of municipalities increasing municipal services that directly benefit the community and its neighbors. The approach proposed in this thesis proposes to develop a new version of the Integrated Financial Management System of Local Governments, using the methodology of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), considered as an Information Technology Integrator modular features and functions business, capable of integrating processes across interfaces to two or more servers in different entities, they want to do any other business, consider the institutions and public agencies and regional governments and local governments and any form of national or private entity abroad, an attribute that applies to any entity's internal processes, allowing the employee to perform work using a processor and interact directly with the server, allowing sequential processes execute tasks using two or more employees using a standard pattern called procedure and program a processor and other hardware, ie computing using Web 2.0 technology and tools. Through the application of interview techniques will be obtained opinions on the Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) of local governments and those who direct the functions of budget, treasury, public accounting and public debt on one side and particularly the case of officials of the Municipality of Santiago de Surco, as users of the system, and the representative of the Office of Institutional Control of the local government and a representative of an audit firm assigned to the Registry Corporate Audit of the Comptroller General of the Republic, to validate the arguments put forward in the Statement of the Main Hypothesis. The most important documentary evidence referred to in the thesis is the study of international assessment of the Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) Public Sector in summary made by PERU-SIDEPRO CONSORTIUM IGTAS commissioned by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF). The hypothesis will be validated measurement indicators from two angles optimization, quantitative, the first, optimizing the Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) of local governments in achieving performance measures with fewer records, less time record, less information, fewer systems and less useless auxiliary staff, the second angle, optimization, going to the qualitative production, as production of truly useful information for making decisions of local governments and the Ministry of Economy and Finance, for use in subsequent or recurrent control of bodies belonging to the National Control System. The modernization thesis has the character of replicability not only in the 1.837 Local Government (Municipalities) , which 195 are provincial, but also the entities referred to: 121 Sheets of the National Government, 26 Sheets of regional governments (each a Budget statement), 640 Executing Units of national and regional level, it is based on the use of Information Technology, called Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) using a variety of interfaces with ancillary systems management bodies and other external entities.
-- The present research is to develop a contribution to the solutions of the deficiencies and limitations of the current Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) local government, whose purpose is that different sectors of government, improve the production of information necessary for making financial decisions aimed at an efficient administrative and operational running of municipalities increasing municipal services that directly benefit the community and its neighbors. The approach proposed in this thesis proposes to develop a new version of the Integrated Financial Management System of Local Governments, using the methodology of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), considered as an Information Technology Integrator modular features and functions business, capable of integrating processes across interfaces to two or more servers in different entities, they want to do any other business, consider the institutions and public agencies and regional governments and local governments and any form of national or private entity abroad, an attribute that applies to any entity's internal processes, allowing the employee to perform work using a processor and interact directly with the server, allowing sequential processes execute tasks using two or more employees using a standard pattern called procedure and program a processor and other hardware, ie computing using Web 2.0 technology and tools. Through the application of interview techniques will be obtained opinions on the Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) of local governments and those who direct the functions of budget, treasury, public accounting and public debt on one side and particularly the case of officials of the Municipality of Santiago de Surco, as users of the system, and the representative of the Office of Institutional Control of the local government and a representative of an audit firm assigned to the Registry Corporate Audit of the Comptroller General of the Republic, to validate the arguments put forward in the Statement of the Main Hypothesis. The most important documentary evidence referred to in the thesis is the study of international assessment of the Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) Public Sector in summary made by PERU-SIDEPRO CONSORTIUM IGTAS commissioned by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF). The hypothesis will be validated measurement indicators from two angles optimization, quantitative, the first, optimizing the Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) of local governments in achieving performance measures with fewer records, less time record, less information, fewer systems and less useless auxiliary staff, the second angle, optimization, going to the qualitative production, as production of truly useful information for making decisions of local governments and the Ministry of Economy and Finance, for use in subsequent or recurrent control of bodies belonging to the National Control System. The modernization thesis has the character of replicability not only in the 1.837 Local Government (Municipalities) , which 195 are provincial, but also the entities referred to: 121 Sheets of the National Government, 26 Sheets of regional governments (each a Budget statement), 640 Executing Units of national and regional level, it is based on the use of Information Technology, called Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) using a variety of interfaces with ancillary systems management bodies and other external entities.
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Discipline: Gestión Pública
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas. Unidad de Posgrado
Grade or title: Magíster en Gestión Pública
Register date: 3-Oct-2013
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