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Arrarte, R., (2004). La Cooperación-universidad-empresa-Estado en el Perú : caso UNMSM 1997-2002 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos].
Arrarte, R., La Cooperación-universidad-empresa-Estado en el Perú : caso UNMSM 1997-2002 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; 2004.
title = "La Cooperación-universidad-empresa-Estado en el Perú : caso UNMSM 1997-2002",
author = "Arrarte Mera, Raúl",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos",
year = "2004"
Title: La Cooperación-universidad-empresa-Estado en el Perú : caso UNMSM 1997-2002
Authors(s): Arrarte Mera, Raúl
Keywords: Universidades y escuelas superiores - Perú - Administración; Planificación estratégica; Cultura organizacional - Perú; Universidades y escuelas superiores - Planificación
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2004
Institution: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Abstract: Este trabajo de investigación denominado “LA COOPERACIÓN – UNIVERSIDAD- EMPRESA - ESTADO - EN EL PERU. (CASO UNMSM 1997-2002); tiene como finalidad proponer la formación de Comisiones de Coordinación Inter Facultades en Administración, Contabilidad y Economía, y alcanzar a toda nuestra Universidad, para mejorar la concertación en la toma de decisiones, generar ingresos adicionales permanentes para incrementar la remuneración de los Docentes, congelada por más de 20 años, y proyectar su sostenibilidad en el largo plazo.
Este trabajo es útil porque beneficiará a los tres sectores involucrados:
a) A la Universidad, que al disponer de rentas suficientes, además de mejorar el nivel de vida de sus Docentes, permitirá estimular su capacitación, ampliar las plazas a dedicación exclusiva y a tiempo completo lo que redundará en la mejora de la calidad de la educación, elevar la capacidad del país para competir en mercados internacionales; modernizar sus Planes de Estudios de acuerdo a los requerimientos de la empresa privada, y creando las necesarias a la luz de las investigaciones en ciencia y tecnología pura y aplicada que prioricen el uso intensivo de mano de obra; en la preparación de Programas de Capacitación a través de sus Unidades de Post-Grado, orientadas a los sectores más competitivos: agroindustria, energía y petróleo, minería, pesquería y turismo.
b).A la Empresa, al identificar sus debilidades en la carencia de recursos humanos calificados, exigirá a la Universidad Pública en diferentes regiones del país, capacitación en carreras profesionales que necesitan para ser competitivas. O asesorándolas en áreas específicas bajo acuerdos de cooperación para mejorar o simplificar métodos y procedimientos de trabajo, o desarrollar tecnologías intermedias, que les permita exportar nuestros recursos naturales con valor agregado, generando los necesarios puestos de trabajo para reducir la pobreza crítica.
c) Al Estado, al asegurar estabilidad en lo jurídico, laboral y tributario e identificar los sectores competitivos de nuestra economía, concentrará su esfuerzo en la: Reforma del Sistema Tributario, incentivar el Financiamiento de la Innovación, continuar con la Reducción del Tamaño del Estado, Intensificar el Proceso de Privatizaciones y Concesiones y/o Promover Contratos de Gerencia. Para lograr: el crecimiento del producto bruto interno, impulsando el desarrollo económico y social del país en el largo plazo.
This case study entitled “Cooperation between State University – Business Community – Central Government in Peru (UNMSN case 1997-2002)” pursues the creation of Inter Faculties Coordinating Committees (Business Administration, Accounting and Economics, and in a later stage wide its approach to all member faculties) to enhance coordination indecision taking processes, so to increase additional and constant revenue to gradually level faculty members income, kept frozen for over the last 20 years; and to project its long term sustainability. This case is useful because it will benefit these tree sectors involved: A) State University, at the time of having revenues enough to make fit, besides making possible an increase in living conditions for faculty members, it will stimulate its learning interests, will increase posts for full time teaching dedication. All of this will result in a better quality of educational services, a much better standing point to compete abroad as a country; a modernization of Study Plans as per Business Community requirements, anddeveloping some more plans upon a pure applied science and technology based on extensive labor force utilization; to make Learning Programs through Post Graduate units considering the most competitive sectors in Economy: Agro industry, Oil and Energy, Mining, Fishing and Tourism. B) Business Community, by identifying its weaknesses by checking the lack of qualified work force, it will demand from State Universities along the country Learning issues that enable them to be more competitive, or by coaching in specific areas under cooperation agreements to simplify / improve working methods and procedures, or by developing mid-technologies that helps them internationally trade value added natural resources, contributing to raise working posts to reduce critical poverty. C) Central Government, by assessing stability on legal, labor and taxation fields and by identifying the most competitive sectors in our Economy, it will focus its energies on: Taxation System reforms, Innovation financing, Government size reduction, Privatization and Concessions processe, Management Agreements, all aimed to increase Gross Domestic Product (GDP) pushing the country economical and social development in the long term.
This case study entitled “Cooperation between State University – Business Community – Central Government in Peru (UNMSN case 1997-2002)” pursues the creation of Inter Faculties Coordinating Committees (Business Administration, Accounting and Economics, and in a later stage wide its approach to all member faculties) to enhance coordination indecision taking processes, so to increase additional and constant revenue to gradually level faculty members income, kept frozen for over the last 20 years; and to project its long term sustainability. This case is useful because it will benefit these tree sectors involved: A) State University, at the time of having revenues enough to make fit, besides making possible an increase in living conditions for faculty members, it will stimulate its learning interests, will increase posts for full time teaching dedication. All of this will result in a better quality of educational services, a much better standing point to compete abroad as a country; a modernization of Study Plans as per Business Community requirements, anddeveloping some more plans upon a pure applied science and technology based on extensive labor force utilization; to make Learning Programs through Post Graduate units considering the most competitive sectors in Economy: Agro industry, Oil and Energy, Mining, Fishing and Tourism. B) Business Community, by identifying its weaknesses by checking the lack of qualified work force, it will demand from State Universities along the country Learning issues that enable them to be more competitive, or by coaching in specific areas under cooperation agreements to simplify / improve working methods and procedures, or by developing mid-technologies that helps them internationally trade value added natural resources, contributing to raise working posts to reduce critical poverty. C) Central Government, by assessing stability on legal, labor and taxation fields and by identifying the most competitive sectors in our Economy, it will focus its energies on: Taxation System reforms, Innovation financing, Government size reduction, Privatization and Concessions processe, Management Agreements, all aimed to increase Gross Domestic Product (GDP) pushing the country economical and social development in the long term.
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Discipline: Ciencias Contables y Empresariales
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Facultad de Ciencias Contables. Unidad de Posgrado
Grade or title: Doctor en Ciencias Contables y Empresariales
Register date: 20-Aug-2013
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