Bibliographic citations
Vivar, D., (2002). Consumo y valor farmacoterapéutico de los 100 medicamentos más vendidos sin receta médica en farmacias y boticas del Perú, registrados en el IMS 1997-1998 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos].
Vivar, D., Consumo y valor farmacoterapéutico de los 100 medicamentos más vendidos sin receta médica en farmacias y boticas del Perú, registrados en el IMS 1997-1998 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; 2002.
title = "Consumo y valor farmacoterapéutico de los 100 medicamentos más vendidos sin receta médica en farmacias y boticas del Perú, registrados en el IMS 1997-1998",
author = "Vivar Torres, David Antonio",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos",
year = "2002"
In this study were analyzed the 100 Over The Counter drugs (OTCs) more sold in pharmacies and drugstores of the Peru, in he years 1997 and 1998, with the objective of determining the characteristics of the consumption and their value therapeutic. The OTC List was obtained of the International Marketing Services - Pharmaceutical Market Perú (IMS–PMP). The final sample considered as drugs per year was 74. For the classification of the drugs it was used , the Anatomical-therapeutic classification - Chemical (ATC) and the methodology of the value intrinsic therapeutic that considers effectiveness and risks. Most of the specialties 71,08% (1997) and 70,89% (1998) showed non high value. The therapeutic classes prevailed were: those for Respiratory Tract (R), Digestive and Metabolism Tract (A), Skin (D) and System Skeletal Muscle (M). The group R commanded the fixed-dose, and the group S (Sensory organs) in single dose, the subgroup R05 (cough and cold preparations) was the highest sales. The analysis of the economic impact and quality therapeutic confirm the hypothesis that the therapeutic contribution of OTCs drugs sold in the country is not significant and its consumption represents unnecessary expenses in the population. Key words: Analysis A.B.C., Classification A.T.C., Value Intrinsic Therapeutic, OTC drugs, Ethical Market, Popular Market, Total Market.
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