Bibliographic citations
Vargas, J., (2008). Estudio comparativo de perfil blando pre y postratamiento ortodóncico con y sin exodoncias de premolares según el análisis de Powell [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos].
Vargas, J., Estudio comparativo de perfil blando pre y postratamiento ortodóncico con y sin exodoncias de premolares según el análisis de Powell [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; 2008.
title = "Estudio comparativo de perfil blando pre y postratamiento ortodóncico con y sin exodoncias de premolares según el análisis de Powell",
author = "Vargas Mori, Julio Hernán",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos",
year = "2008"
-- The study compared soft tissue profile angles on patients pretreatment and posttreatment in who were carried out pre-molar extractions and those with non premolar extraction. The study involved 43 patients who were putted under orthodontic treatment with and without extractions of premolars in private specialists practice in the city of Lima, 20 patients with orthodontic treatment without premolars extraction and 23 patients with orthodontic treatment with premolars extractions selected non probabilistic. The analysis of Powell was implemented to measure and compare the pretreatment and posttreatment changes on the soft tissue profiles of the groups. There were no differences in both groups regarding the average of each pretreatment and posttreatment angle, besides posttreatment amongst groups with the t test. There were changes found in the soft tissue profiles pre-treatment and posttreatment in both groups with and without premolar’s extractions, which were found in the three thirds of the face, with different variability in each third of the face.
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