Bibliographic citations
Hidalgo, L., (2007). Eficacia de un programa psico-educativo en la disminución de la ansiedad en padres de niños quemados : INSN, 2006 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos].
Hidalgo, L., Eficacia de un programa psico-educativo en la disminución de la ansiedad en padres de niños quemados : INSN, 2006 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; 2007.
title = "Eficacia de un programa psico-educativo en la disminución de la ansiedad en padres de niños quemados : INSN, 2006",
author = "Hidalgo Cusi, Lupita",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos",
year = "2007"
-- The burns not only also characterize by the pain and the sequels that leave in the patient, but by the repercussions that they have in his family. Treating burned children, the professional of Infirmary has the responsibility to assume a roll in front of the family of this patient, in individual to the parents, who cross by emotional alterations product of the accident of their son, being one of the most frequent anxiety; problem as opposed to which it is required to design, to plan, to execute and to evaluate strategies with an psico-educative approach that allows him to deal with integrated way the family of the burned patient, with the objective to diminish its anxiety so that they are in better conditions for becoming jumbled like agents of the autocuidado one of the burned boy. Under this understanding the present study was developed, which is of aplicative level, quantitative type; whose method was cuasi experimental of a single design, having like independent variable the Effectiveness of an Psico-Educative Program and like dependent variable the State of Anxiety in Parents of Burned Children. The technique was the interview and the measuring instrument was the Inventory of Anxiety Characteristic-Be (IDARE) of Spielberger, the population was conformed by 53 Parents of Children Burned hospitalized in the Service of Burned and Repairing Surgery of the National Institute of Health of the Boy during the months November-December of the 2006, the harvesting of the data at two moments: administrative and operative.
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