Bibliographic citations
Yactayo, A., (2015). Interacciones tróficas del parasitoide Chrysocharis flacilla Walker (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) sobre Liriomyza huidobrensis Blanchard y L. graminivora Hering (Diptera: Agromyzidae) [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos].
Yactayo, A., Interacciones tróficas del parasitoide Chrysocharis flacilla Walker (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) sobre Liriomyza huidobrensis Blanchard y L. graminivora Hering (Diptera: Agromyzidae) [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; 2015.
title = "Interacciones tróficas del parasitoide Chrysocharis flacilla Walker (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) sobre Liriomyza huidobrensis Blanchard y L. graminivora Hering (Diptera: Agromyzidae)",
author = "Yactayo Flores, Aldo Manuel",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos",
year = "2015"
---The leaf miner Liriomyza huidobrensis is an agricultural pest of global importance, widely distributed, representing the most damaging pest in Peru for potato crop. Biological control, including the use of parasitoids, represents the best strategy for controlling this pest. The successful uses of parasitoids will depend on our knowledge of many factors, including tritrophic interactions between host plants, insects and parasitoids. Our study was performed on parasitoid Chrysocharis flacilla in order to assess the effect of trophic interactions in biological parameters such as longevity, survival, production of progeny, sex ratio and posterior tibia length. Three parasitoid origin systems were developed: Potato - L. huidobrensis, Faba bean - L. huidobrensis and Maize -L. graminivora, whose adults interacted with three associations identical to origin systems mentioned. Assessments were made in both No Choice and Choice Tests. We found that C. flacilla has an intraspecific variation in all biological parameters assessed. We found significant differences on longevity, survival, sex ratio and posterior tibia length after interactions with the three different crop – leaf miner associations assessed; moreover, offspring production showed significant differences among the three origin systems studied. We discuss host plant and host leaf miner implications on such intraspecific variation in parasitoid. Finally, C. flacilla does not have any preference for its origin systems; and the trophic associations Faba bean - L. huidobrensis and Maize -L. graminivora can function adequately as alternate hosts of the parasitoid. Keywords: longevity, survival, sex ratio, posterior tibia length, offspring, No choice test, Choice test, plant-leafminer-parasitoid association.
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