Bibliographic citations
Monteagudo, F., (2002). Evaluación de la contaminación por mercurio en población de mineros artesanales de oro de la comunidad de Santa Filomena-Ayacucho-Perú durante el periodo agosto 2002-septiembre 2001 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos].
Monteagudo, F., Evaluación de la contaminación por mercurio en población de mineros artesanales de oro de la comunidad de Santa Filomena-Ayacucho-Perú durante el periodo agosto 2002-septiembre 2001 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; 2002.
title = "Evaluación de la contaminación por mercurio en población de mineros artesanales de oro de la comunidad de Santa Filomena-Ayacucho-Perú durante el periodo agosto 2002-septiembre 2001",
author = "Monteagudo Montenegro, Fabricio Arturo",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos",
year = "2002"
-- The present report reunites the results of the quantitative evaluation of mercury levels in samples of orina of 24 hours in artisan mining workers of the community of Santa Filomena located in district of Sancos, province of Lucanas, departament of Ayacucho, to 600 km to the south of Lima. In the study one was that of 100% (31 samples) of the evaluated population the 67,74% (21 samples) presented/displayed mercury levels increased in the rank from 41 to 90 µg/L. (referential values provided by OMS). The etáreos groups with more high values of contamination were the young adults of 24 to 34 years, and the children of 2 to 12 years that represent 29,03 % and 19,35 % of the total population respectively obtained values in rank (40. 90 µg Hg / L). Of the same form is observed that of the total of evaluated women the 75% of them (6 samples) ug/L presents/displays mercury concentrations from 40 to 90 and of the total of men 65,22% of them (15 samples) they present/display this same concentration. The 58,06% of the population in study, who expose themselves of 0 to 7 hours per week present/display a mercury concentration in orina in significant amount (from 40 to 90 ug Hg / L).
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