Bibliographic citations
Manchay, C., (2005). Nivel conocimiento de las madres sobre la estimulación temprana en los niños menores de 1 año en el Centro de Salud Materno Infantil “Daniel Alcides Carrión“ : Lima-2004 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos].
Manchay, C., Nivel conocimiento de las madres sobre la estimulación temprana en los niños menores de 1 año en el Centro de Salud Materno Infantil “Daniel Alcides Carrión“ : Lima-2004 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; 2005.
title = "Nivel conocimiento de las madres sobre la estimulación temprana en los niños menores de 1 año en el Centro de Salud Materno Infantil “Daniel Alcides Carrión“ : Lima-2004",
author = "Manchay Huacac, Carmen Rosa",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos",
year = "2005"
The human being's integral formation, the first three years of life are decisive for their minor or bigger adaptation to the means. Around the boy's education it rotates a group of factors that you are given in the breast of the family, school and the society. The love that receives, the quality and quantity of the foods that it ingests and the atmosphere partner - cultural in that is unwrapped, it plays an important paper in the small boy's life. It is necessary to build a world where the boy can be developed in a free and balanced way and to become an integrated being and not forced in the psychological, moral and social plane. One of the key points to achieve this development in the children is the early stimulation. During my practical pre - professionals in the C.M.I. “Daniel Alcides Carrión“ to the interaction with the family mothers on the early stimulation, they referred not to know that it was that, other on the other hand they manifested that they were things that their children should make and other alone mothers brought it for their vaccination. It is known that the boy is assisted since he is born mainly for the mother who assumes the responsibility of his attention and the execution of the activities of early stimulation, if the mother doesn't know that it is the early stimulation or that aspects are developed then in this she won't be able to stimulate her son correctly, you is for that reason that the restlessness arises of investigating this problem: which is the level of knowledge that the mothers have on the early stimulation in the children smaller than one year in the infantile maternal center “Daniel Alcides Carrión“?. Having as main objective to determine the level of the mothers' knowledge about the early stimulation in their children smaller than one year that you/they go to the service of the Component CRED of the Stage of Life Boy. The purpose went to motivate the personnel of health to be involved in the programming of training activities it has more than enough early stimulation, as well as to a permanent education inside the service, to end that the mothers that go to the same one receive the preparation that contributes to strengthen the development of the children and for to guarantee the quality of attention that you toasts in the institution, also to form professionals so that in the institutions or daycare centers, emphasize the importance of the early stimulation in the boy. Inside the theoretical bases it was considered aspects on the early stimulation, the nurse's list in the program of CRED, the boy's definition smaller than one year and definition of the knowledge. The main conclusion to which you arrived was that the level of the mothers' knowledge on the early stimulation is of half level.
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