Bibliographic citations
Manuel, A., Chuquiyauri, D., Reategui, R. (2016). La práctica del fútbol para superar los hábitos sedentarios en los alumnos del 1° grado de educación secundaria del C.N.A. "UNHEVAL - Huánuco 2016" [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán].
Manuel, A., Chuquiyauri, D., Reategui, R. La práctica del fútbol para superar los hábitos sedentarios en los alumnos del 1° grado de educación secundaria del C.N.A. "UNHEVAL - Huánuco 2016" [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán; 2016.
title = "La práctica del fútbol para superar los hábitos sedentarios en los alumnos del 1° grado de educación secundaria del C.N.A. "UNHEVAL - Huánuco 2016"",
author = "Reategui Ríos, Ronald",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán",
year = "2016"
In Peru, health levels are not optimal; Being the teachers, students, parents and community in general be aware of taking care of it. In this context, the present investigation started from the following formulation of the problem: in what way does soccer practice reduce the school sedentary in students of the first degree of secondary education of the C.N.A. “UNHEVAL - Huánuco 2016”? Which way the practice of the soccer reduces the school sedentary in the referred students? The research is of applied type with pre-experimental design with pre-test and postest. The variables that were worked are: football practice and school sedentary. The instrument used for data collection was the survey form in the pre-test and postest; The same ones that were applied to a sample of students of the first degree of secondary education of the mentioned institution; 19 male students enrolled in the academic year 2016, having been selected by non-probabilistic sampling for the convenience of a population of 32 students of the same degree of studies. The results of the pretest and postest on the sedentary schooling show that there are certain differences; Since in the pre-test 73.7% of students identify themselves as moderately sedentary, with a tendency to stay on the scale or worse, while in the postest 100% are shown to be moderately active people with a tendency to follow Improving to the upper scale; Which demonstrates the effectiveness of the practice of soccer to reduce the sedentary school. viii The hypothesis was tested using the difference between two means with observations paired with Student's t distribution, where it is demonstrated that soccer practice significantly reduces the sedentary schooling in students of the first degree of secondary education of the C.N.A. “UNHEVAL - Huánuco (Peru)”. At the end of the study, it was concluded that soccer practice significantly reduces the sedentary schooling in students of the first grade of secondary education
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