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Sutta, M., (2017). La junta de resolución de disputas en los contratos de ejecución de obras públicas en el Cusco [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Sutta, M., La junta de resolución de disputas en los contratos de ejecución de obras públicas en el Cusco []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2017.
title = "La junta de resolución de disputas en los contratos de ejecución de obras públicas en el Cusco",
author = "Sutta Meza, Michael Moisés Douglas",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2017"
Title: La junta de resolución de disputas en los contratos de ejecución de obras públicas en el Cusco
Authors(s): Sutta Meza, Michael Moisés Douglas
Advisor(s): Gibaja Zapata, Carmen Natalia
Keywords: Disputas; Controversias; Solución de controversias
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 22-Dec-2017
Institution: Universidad Andina del Cusco
Abstract: El principal objetivo de este trabajo es sustentar y validar nuestra legislación en el marco de
la reciente creación de un Dispute Board (DB) o Dispute Resolution Board (JRD), en el
marco de la Ley de Contrataciones Públicas N° 30225 y Reglamentos relacionados (Decreto
Supremo 350-2015-EF).
Tenemos trabajos paralizados donde, mientras resuelven disputas con altos costos para el
Estado, los empresarios buscan resolver conflictos sobre temas que no pueden eliminar
mediante otros mecanismos de resolución de conflictos como el Arbitraje y la mediación en
casos de sospecha de corrupción. Sobre la ejecución de toda la obra, el descontento de la
gente por la falta de acceso a los servicios públicos, todos estos son signos de un grave
problema que se deriva de los contratos de ejecución, las obras no contribuyen a la
dinamización de la industria y por ende la economía del país.
Es así que es necesario entender que este nuevo mecanismo de solución de controversias
deviene en fundamental y esencial para el desarrollo jurídico dentro de nuestra legislación en
materia de mecanismos alternativos de solución de conflictos.
Ante este problema, deviene importante saber algún tipo de fórmula que pueda brindar ayuda
en la gestión eficiente de los conflictos en el desarrollo de proyectos de construcción y por
ende sus contratos; es así que se innova e implementa la Junta de Resolución de Disputas que
constituye un mecanismo de solución de controversias que salió a la luz recientemente en el
sector de la construcción y será objeto de estudio para aclarar su regulación., su aplicación ,
como se origina, ventas y desventajas en su aplicación; para lo cual hemos destinado cuatro
capítulos. El Primer capítulo se enfoca netamente en conceptualizar el problema que surge en nuestra
realidad jurídica y su identificación dentro de la realidad problemática.El Segundo capítulo que encontramos en nuestro Marco Teórico, se aborda en seis subtítulos.
El subtítulo I que lleva los antecedentes de la investigación, plasmando en este varias tesis
nacionales e internacionales que abordan el tema de la Junta de Resolución de Disputas y que
se utilizaron de guías referenciales para tratar este tema; El subtítulo II desarrolla las bases
teóricas respecto a los mecanismos alternativos de resolución de disputas, de donde parte la
figura de la Junta de Resolución de Disputas El tercer subtítulo desarrolla la imagen de la JRD,
estableciendo contexto, definición, alcance, características, naturaleza jurídica y formas de
presentación de la JRD, entre otros; Incluye referencias al tratamiento jurídico internacional
aplicable a la JRD, mientras que. finalmente, el quinto título recoge la aplicación de la JRD en
Latinoamérica, como son los casos de El Salvador, Honduras y Chile.
El tercer capítulo presenta el sistema metodológico utilizado para la realización del trabajo,
mientras que en el cuarto capítulo se registra todo lo relacionado con los resultados y
conclusiones de la presente investigación..
The main purpose of this work is to support and validate our legislation by virtue of the recent incorporation of the Dispute Boards (DB) or also called the Dispute Resolution Board (JRD), in the New Law on State Procurement, Law No. 30225 and its respective regulations (Supreme Decree 350-2015-EF). We have paralyzed works that, while conflicts are resolved, result in higher costs for the State, contractors that seek to resolve conflicts over matters that are not arbitrary in the Judiciary, conciliations that are delegitimized or denounced as a result of corruption, extensive arbitrations beyond the term of work execution, in its totality the dissatisfaction of the population for not accessing committed public services, all these are the sample of a serious problem arising from the contracts of execution of work that in nothing helps to energize the sector and therefore the economy of the country. Given this problem, it is necessary to identify some formula that helps to efficiently manage conflicts in the development of construction projects and therefore their contracts; this is how the Dispute Resolution Board is innovated and implemented, which constitutes a new Conflict Resolution mechanism that develops in the field of construction and that will be our object of study in order to elucidate how it is regulated, its application , how it originates, sales and disadvantages in its application; for which we have allocated four chapters. The first chapter is focused on conceptualizing the problem within the framework of legal reality and its identification within the problematic reality. The second chapter comprises the Theoretical Framework of the present work, addressed in six subtitles. The subtitle I takes the background of the research, reflecting in this several national and international theses that address the issue of the Dispute Resolution Board and that were used as reference guides to deal with this issue; Subtitle II develops the theoretical bases regarding the alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, where the figure of the Dispute Resolution Board comes from, the subtitle III that develops the figure of the JRD, establishing its background, definitions, scope of application, characteristics, legal nature, the modalities in which they are presented, among others; it covers the international legal treatment applied to the JRD, while Title IV, the Peruvian legal treatment. Finally, Title V includes the application of the JRD in Latin America, such as the cases of El Salvador, Honduras and Chile. The third chapter presents the methodological system used to carry out the work, while in the fourth chapter it is recorded everything related to the results and conclusions of the present investigation.
The main purpose of this work is to support and validate our legislation by virtue of the recent incorporation of the Dispute Boards (DB) or also called the Dispute Resolution Board (JRD), in the New Law on State Procurement, Law No. 30225 and its respective regulations (Supreme Decree 350-2015-EF). We have paralyzed works that, while conflicts are resolved, result in higher costs for the State, contractors that seek to resolve conflicts over matters that are not arbitrary in the Judiciary, conciliations that are delegitimized or denounced as a result of corruption, extensive arbitrations beyond the term of work execution, in its totality the dissatisfaction of the population for not accessing committed public services, all these are the sample of a serious problem arising from the contracts of execution of work that in nothing helps to energize the sector and therefore the economy of the country. Given this problem, it is necessary to identify some formula that helps to efficiently manage conflicts in the development of construction projects and therefore their contracts; this is how the Dispute Resolution Board is innovated and implemented, which constitutes a new Conflict Resolution mechanism that develops in the field of construction and that will be our object of study in order to elucidate how it is regulated, its application , how it originates, sales and disadvantages in its application; for which we have allocated four chapters. The first chapter is focused on conceptualizing the problem within the framework of legal reality and its identification within the problematic reality. The second chapter comprises the Theoretical Framework of the present work, addressed in six subtitles. The subtitle I takes the background of the research, reflecting in this several national and international theses that address the issue of the Dispute Resolution Board and that were used as reference guides to deal with this issue; Subtitle II develops the theoretical bases regarding the alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, where the figure of the Dispute Resolution Board comes from, the subtitle III that develops the figure of the JRD, establishing its background, definitions, scope of application, characteristics, legal nature, the modalities in which they are presented, among others; it covers the international legal treatment applied to the JRD, while Title IV, the Peruvian legal treatment. Finally, Title V includes the application of the JRD in Latin America, such as the cases of El Salvador, Honduras and Chile. The third chapter presents the methodological system used to carry out the work, while in the fourth chapter it is recorded everything related to the results and conclusions of the present investigation.
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Discipline: Derecho
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Andina del Cusco. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencia Política
Grade or title: Abogado
Juror: Marroquin Muñiz, Marco Antonio; Calvo Rodriguez, Yuri; Santa Cruz Palomino, Carlos; Zúñiga Leva, Cerafina
Register date: 28-Jun-2022
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