Bibliographic citations
Chacón, E., Chalco, L. (2018). Análisis de la productividad y determinación de rendimientos reales de la mano de obra y equipos, en las partidas de explanaciones de la obra mejoramiento de la carretera Huancarani-Paucartambo tramo II, utilizando las herramientas lean construction. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Chacón, E., Chalco, L. Análisis de la productividad y determinación de rendimientos reales de la mano de obra y equipos, en las partidas de explanaciones de la obra mejoramiento de la carretera Huancarani-Paucartambo tramo II, utilizando las herramientas lean construction. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2018.
title = "Análisis de la productividad y determinación de rendimientos reales de la mano de obra y equipos, en las partidas de explanaciones de la obra mejoramiento de la carretera Huancarani-Paucartambo tramo II, utilizando las herramientas lean construction.",
author = "Chalco Rado, Luz",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2018"
The subject to develop consisted in the analysis of the productivity and the determination of the real yields of the activities of explanations, in the work: Improvement of the highway Huancarani Paucartambo, executed by direct modality, by Gobierno Regional Cusco. The main objective was the determination of the main factors that affect the productivity and the calculation of the yields generated by the crews in the activities of Cutting in loose material, Cut-excavation in loose rock, rock-fill: excavation with equipment, extended and compacted rock u over and Transportation of material to be eliminated. These activities constitute a high percentage in the budget. To achieve the research objectives, the data were collected in the field through formats designed for this purpose; this information that contains the number of workers and teams per crew, the amount of work done, the time spent, the circumstances and the mishaps presented during the work time, are processed in the cabinet using spreadsheets, to be later contrasted with the relevant comparison parameters (the technical file of the work, yields published by CAPECO and the book Costs and times on roads of Mr. Walter Ibáñez). As a result of the study of this project, it was identified that the yields used in the budgets differ from the real yields, making the items in some cases overvalued, therefore, the importance of conducting research to update the databases in matter of yields. The results of the productivity analysis determined that the time employed in productive work is 66.48%, placing it in the “bad unfavorable“ classification of the comparison parameter.
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