Bibliographic citations
La, J., (2024). Valor del crematocrito, concentración de grasa y contenido calórico de leche humana de madres de recién nacidos pre termino y a término según periodo de lactancia, banco de leche del Hospital Regional del Cusco, 2024. [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
La, J., Valor del crematocrito, concentración de grasa y contenido calórico de leche humana de madres de recién nacidos pre termino y a término según periodo de lactancia, banco de leche del Hospital Regional del Cusco, 2024. []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2024.
title = "Valor del crematocrito, concentración de grasa y contenido calórico de leche humana de madres de recién nacidos pre termino y a término según periodo de lactancia, banco de leche del Hospital Regional del Cusco, 2024.",
author = "La Torre Albis, Johann Sebastián",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2024"
Introduction: Human milk is a living and dynamic biological fluid. It is the ideal food for the newborn by providing nutrients, immune factors and antibacterial substances that prevent acute and chronic diseases. Its composition varies due to multiple factors, including gestational age at the time of delivery. childbirth and the breastfeeding period, so there is no globally accepted standardized reference for the composition of preterm breast milk, which makes the evaluation of nutritional intake difficult. Objective: Identify the difference in the value of creamatocrit, fat concentration and caloric content of human milk from mothers of preterm and full-term newborns according to the lactation period, Milk Bank of the Regional Hospital of Cusco 2024. Method: An observational, correlational, prospective, longitudinal cohort analytical study was carried out. Collecting milk samples from 144 mothers, in two groups: term and preterm, in the three lactation periods, in the Milk Bank of the Regional Hospital of Cusco. For data analysis, the Friedman and Mann-Whitney U tests were used in the statistical program IBM SPSS Statistic version 27. Results: We found a significant increase in all values in preterm milk in its transition from colostrum to transition and mature milk (p < 0.001). There were no significant differences when comparing preterm and term colostrum (p > 0.05), however transitional and mature milk produced by mothers with preterm birth was significantly higher than term milk in creamatocrit value (p < 0.001; p = 0.008), fat concentration (p < 0.001; p = 0.003) and caloric content (p < 0.001; p = 0.008). Conclusion: The milk produced by mothers with preterm birth contains higher nutritional values compared to term milk, mainly in the transition and maturity stages.
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