Bibliographic citations
Mendoza, J., (2016). Influencia en la conciencia tributaria en el cumplimiento de las obligaciones fiscales del impuesto a la renta de cuarta categoría de los abogados colegiados del distrito de Tambopata - Madre de Dios periodo 2016. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Mendoza, J., Influencia en la conciencia tributaria en el cumplimiento de las obligaciones fiscales del impuesto a la renta de cuarta categoría de los abogados colegiados del distrito de Tambopata - Madre de Dios periodo 2016. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2016.
title = "Influencia en la conciencia tributaria en el cumplimiento de las obligaciones fiscales del impuesto a la renta de cuarta categoría de los abogados colegiados del distrito de Tambopata - Madre de Dios periodo 2016.",
author = "Mendoza Calsin, Jhoel Darwin",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2016"
The research work is developed in the population of lawyers from the District of Tambopata dedicated to offering professional legal consulting services to citizens. For carry to out this thesis, is evidence the problem main in “How is the influence of the awareness tax in the compliance of them obligations tax of the tax to the income of fourth category of them lawyers Collegiate of the District of Tambopata-mother of Dios, 2016?, in that sense is designed a research with approach quantitative.“ The main objective is to determine the influence of tax awareness in the fulfillment of tax obligations of the income of fourth category of collegiate Tambopata - Madre de Dios, district attorneys 2016. The type of research used is basic, with probabilistic design, experimental and cross with descriptive-correlacional level. The methodology employed was research by surveys. Between them conclusions is can tell that the culture tax affects the obligation fiscal in 99.9%, being them variable knowledge of rights and obligations (51.2%),the education tax (16.5%) and the satisfaction of them services of SUNAT (15.1%) which influence directly. Between them recommendations more important are that the SUNAT, must encourage the culture tax through the knowledge of them rights and obligations, as well as the frequency of assistance for these can interactue with them professional in right.
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