Bibliographic citations
Loayza, C., (2021). La motivación insuficiente para el pago de las reparaciones civiles irrisorias, en las sentencias por la comisión de los delitos de violación sexual, regulado por el Art. 170 del código penal, impuesta por los jueces colegiados en la provincia del Cusco - periodo 2019 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Loayza, C., La motivación insuficiente para el pago de las reparaciones civiles irrisorias, en las sentencias por la comisión de los delitos de violación sexual, regulado por el Art. 170 del código penal, impuesta por los jueces colegiados en la provincia del Cusco - periodo 2019 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2021.
title = "La motivación insuficiente para el pago de las reparaciones civiles irrisorias, en las sentencias por la comisión de los delitos de violación sexual, regulado por el Art. 170 del código penal, impuesta por los jueces colegiados en la provincia del Cusco - periodo 2019",
author = "Loayza Villalba, Christian",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2021"
Being the victim of an assault of a sexual nature entails suffering a serious physical and sexual submission, the consequences imply carrying enormous psychological and emotional suffering. Given this, our justice apparatus seeks, through a criminal process, to compensate the victims of this type of aggression through the legal figure of civil reparation. Figure that in practice lacks sufficient motivation, leading to the determination of a derisory amount to be compensated. The purpose of this research work is to demonstrate that the insufficient motivation for civil reparation constitutes the primary cause of the determination of the ridiculous amount of compensation in sentences for the crime of rape, and to highlight the importance of developing sufficient motivation at the time of determining civil reparation, because in this way a fair and equitable compensation will be guaranteed, which allows satisfying the claims of the aggrieved persons. In this sense, and in addition to the main objective of the present work, it is relevant to highlight two other issues. On the one hand, the importance of knowing how ridiculous civil reparations affect those injured by the crime of Sexual Rape, since they are the ones who directly bear the physical and psychological repercussions resulting from an attack of this nature, and on the other hand the It is very important to establish the legal parameters to be taken into account for a proper motivation of civil reparation, since it should not only understand the civil reparation norms established by the Penal Code but also, and in a mandatory way, the legal parameters of the Civil Liability and Damage Law.
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