Bibliographic citations
Huaman, S., (2024). Evaluación de los riesgos físicos y mecánicos en talleres y laboratorios de la Carrera Técnica de Mecánica Automotriz del Instituto Superior Tecnológico “Túpac Amaru” De Cusco, 2019 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Huaman, S., Evaluación de los riesgos físicos y mecánicos en talleres y laboratorios de la Carrera Técnica de Mecánica Automotriz del Instituto Superior Tecnológico “Túpac Amaru” De Cusco, 2019 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2024.
title = "Evaluación de los riesgos físicos y mecánicos en talleres y laboratorios de la Carrera Técnica de Mecánica Automotriz del Instituto Superior Tecnológico “Túpac Amaru” De Cusco, 2019",
author = "Huaman Villarruel, Sandra Myriam",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2024"
The present investigation was carried out in the workshops and laboratories of the professional career of automotive mechanics of the Higher Technological Institute "Túpac Amaru", with the objective of evaluating the physical and mechanical risks, in the mentioned facilities. The research presents a quantitative approach, a descriptive level and a non-experimental design, using observation, documentary review, survey and interview as a research technique. The instrumental measurement was carried out in the work environments, demonstrating irregularities indicating, for the risk of noise in the engine and brake suspension workshops, the levels exceed 93 and 94 dB respectively in an academic day. While in the rectification and diesel laboratories, the noise levels do not exceed 86 db, nevertheless it is necessary to carry out preventive actions to preserve the hearing health of the students. For the risk of lighting, it was concluded that the levels are not adequate with the permissible levels established in the current regulations, it was determined that the workshops present risks of excess light and in the laboratories the lack of lighting is latent. Regarding temperature, Ministerial Resolution 375 - 2008 - TR was used to perform the calculations and obtain the optimal values of working conditions, however it was necessary to condition the levels established in international regulations, with the climatic conditions of Cusco. In mechanical risks, the GEMA and IPER matrix methodology was used, obtaining as recurring risks: blows, falls, entrapment and crushing. In the investigation, control measures were proposed for each physical and mechanical risk identified.
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