Bibliographic citations
Peralta, D., (2016). Análisis comparativo del comportamiento de concretos elaborados con los cementos HE y IP respecto al desarrollo de la resistencia a compresión y revenimiento para diferentes cantidades de aditivo plastificante sin presencia de ion cloruro. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Peralta, D., Análisis comparativo del comportamiento de concretos elaborados con los cementos HE y IP respecto al desarrollo de la resistencia a compresión y revenimiento para diferentes cantidades de aditivo plastificante sin presencia de ion cloruro. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2016.
title = "Análisis comparativo del comportamiento de concretos elaborados con los cementos HE y IP respecto al desarrollo de la resistencia a compresión y revenimiento para diferentes cantidades de aditivo plastificante sin presencia de ion cloruro.",
author = "Peralta Alvarez, Deivis Joe",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2016"
The study consists of evaluating two cement concrete made with both HE and IP using plasticizing additive without the presence of chloride ion. From the point of view of strength and flow. For the calculation process underwent comparison tables compressive strength vs time data obtained at the end f'c 4 weeks, and by these tables is determined in what period and under what conditions, either type of cement or plasticizing additive dosing, a particular outperforms the other. In samples without plasticizer additive , cement resistors HE reached almost 50 % over design , unlike IP cement which only reached the design strength, the case of using additives , interesting facts were obtained , IP as the better with the additive plasticizer HE cement certain percentage.
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