Bibliographic citations
Mendigure, L., (2019). Calidad de servicio en la Empresa Turismo Ampay S.C.R.Ltda. en el distrito de Santa Ana, provincia de La Convención de la región Cusco, 2019 [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Mendigure, L., Calidad de servicio en la Empresa Turismo Ampay S.C.R.Ltda. en el distrito de Santa Ana, provincia de La Convención de la región Cusco, 2019 [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2019.
title = "Calidad de servicio en la Empresa Turismo Ampay S.C.R.Ltda. en el distrito de Santa Ana, provincia de La Convención de la región Cusco, 2019",
author = "Mendigure Pineda, Lida",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2019"
The objective of this research work was to know the quality of service in the transport company Turismo Ampay S.C.R.Ltda. in the district of Santa Ana, Province of the Convention of the Cusco Region, 2019 “the type of research that was used basic, quantitative approach of descriptive scope and non-experimental design, taking the users of the company as study population, having A sample of 141 units of study, the same was detected the survey technique with the questionnaire questionnaire instrument, to evaluate the confirmation of it the Cronbach's Alpha method was applied, which gave a result of 0.890, which confirms that the questionnaire is reliable, the results were processed in the Excel program and in the statistical software SPSS V24, the results are: The quality of service perceived by passengers in the Tourism Ampay SCRLtda company, obtained an average of 2.43 which according to the scale of the scale indicates that it is bad to report in various ways such as complaints and claims for the spaces of the facilities of the same company, the comfort ad, cleanliness and operability of buses, by the staff that attends them, situations that are generating a lot of dissatisfaction in passengers.
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